United Church of God


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United News
United News
updates on our different websites.
On www.ucg.org Compass Check See video of home office weekly meeting. www.ucg.org/about/homeoffice/compasscheck.htm UCG Commentary on This Week's News Weekly commentaries by UCG...
United News

This special issue of United News features Feast of Tabernacles reports from sites all over the world! You can read those reports and view photos from each site on pages 2-16.

United News
United News
On Dec. 3-6, the Council of Elders held their quarterly meetings at the home office in Cincinnati, Ohio.
The meetings were called to order on Dec. 3 by Chairman Donald Ward. The first report was from President Victor Kubik. He covered various topics that included the dedication of the new Beyond Today recording studio and UYC camp meetings...
United News

In the May-June 2021 issue of United News, you'll find news about the international effort to translate booklets into Afrikaans as well as the annual ABC Charity Auction which was held online this year.

United News
Linda Wasilkoff
The Canadian National Council met in Abbotsford, British Columbia, June 5 to 7.
The Canadian National Council met in Abbotsford, British Columbia, June 5 to 7. Tuesday evening included a Canadian National Office update. David Palmer then gave a Media Team update, and Robert Berendt reported on the work of the...
United News
We all need to remain focused on God and be ever drawing closer to Him.
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, The Council of Elders met this week in Cincinnati. As you may have seen from the agenda that was sent to all elders last week and encouraged to be shared...
United News

Welcome to the September-October 2022 issue of United News!

Date of last revision: August 12, 2021 Introduction The privacy of your personal information is important to the United Church of God, an International Association. This Privacy Policy discloses our information gathering and...
United News
United News
The Council of Elders met in Milford, Ohio, at the home office of the United Church of God for its quarterly meeting on December 6-8.
The Council of Elders met in Milford, Ohio, at the home office of the United Church of God for its quarterly meeting on December 6-8. The meetings were scheduled slightly different than the normal meeting format to accommodate a day’s...
United News
Ariana Del Signore
The 2020 General Conference of Elders was held via webcast from the home office in Cincinnati on Sunday, May 4.
GCE Meeting Report After greeting those listening online and making some opening comments, Council Secretary Frank Dunkle introduced Council Chairman Dr. Donald Ward. Dr. Ward’s prerecorded address covered the Church’s raison d’être...
United News

In this issue of the United News, we cover the most recent 2017 Winter Family Weekend and give an update on the video recording studio. Also, there is a focus on the Financial Statements of the Church for this past year.

United News

Welcome to the January-February 2020 issue of United News, redesigned and updated to celebrate the upcoming 25th anniversary of UCG.

United News

The May-June 2020 issue of United News contains a front page article about the success of a recent Beyond Today program and an article about how members are coping with the pandemic.

United News
Ariana Del Signore
The last quarterly Council of Elders meetings of 2020 were held Dec. 7-10 at the UCG home office in Milford, Ohio.
All 12 Council members were present, with four tuning in online. On Monday, Chairman Len Martin welcomed everyone and discussed the agenda, before Victor Kubik provided the President’s Report. He discussed the 2020 Feast of Tabernacles, in...
United News

This issue of United News features reports and photos from the United Youth Camps held over the summer!

United News

Welcome to the first issue of United News for 2021!

United News
United News
Council of Elders
The Council of Elders will be meeting at the home office for the August meeting.
The Council of Elders meeting will be August 20-23, 2018 at the United Church of God office in Milford, Ohio. The Council of Elders meeting report will be available after the meetings at coe.ucg.org.   Council of Elders...
United News
Don Henson
Dec. 9 Council Chairman Clyde Kilough opened the final series of meetings for 2004.
Dec. 9 Council Chairman Clyde Kilough opened the final series of meetings for 2004. The Council heard quarterly reports from the president and operation managers (see treasurer's report below and sidebars, pages 5 and 6). The...
United News
Frank Dunkle
The Council of Elders held regular meetings at the home office Dec. 6-9, 2021.
Three members participated via video link, while the others interacted in person together and with church staff.   The full agenda included the regular business of reports from operations managers and committee chairs,...
