United Church of God


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Total results: 11993.
by Greg Thomas
Cleveland, OH
Recently I found an article that made me think of the heart and core of Christianity as a belief system. The title of the article is entitled… Are you in a Religious Cult? The brief article had a number of questions about the church...
Beyond Today
by Tom M Damour
In this month's issue of Virtual Christian Magazine, a series of articles have been compiled which we hope will help you relate the Bible with everyday life. After all, if we don't understand how to relate God's Word to life, how can we...
United News
Mitchell Moss
Cincinnati, Ohio—The General Conference of Elders convened for its annual meeting May 15-16.
The theme was “Live the Word.” Church elders approved the 2016-2017 Strategic Plan, Operation Plan and Budget put forth by the Council of Elders, in addition to choosing four Council seats. Various procedural and technical process changes...
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
One of the "winds of doctrine" that has been blowing around the Church is that tithing is not required. Some even claim that assertion doesn't contradict our fundamental belief as stated in the Constitution of the United Church of God.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Examining the evidence led many giants and pioneers of science to affirm their belief in the God of the Bible.
Fundamental Beliefs of the United Church of God
by United Church of God
We consider the teaching of these beliefs to be critical to building on the right foundation of a proper reverence for God's Word, especially as revealed in Jesus Christ.
Breaking Free
by Anonymous Author
I have been in the Church of God for 17 years. I entered the church as an addict. I became an addict when I was 17 years old, although the pattern for addiction was set up in me long before then. At the time of writing this article, I have...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Many great pioneers of science examined the evidence and concluded that it proved the existence of God and that the Bible was His inspired Word. For many, their belief in an orderly universe established by the power and genius of an...
