United Church of God


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Total results: 5405.
Inside United Podcast
by Peter Eddington, Victor Kubik
Peter Eddington and Victor Kubik debunk evolution and detail God's plan for bringing mankind into the truth, as Peter also covered in a recent article featured in the November–December 2019 issue of Beyond Today magazine.
Beyond Today Magazine

In the 160 years that have passed since the publication of Charles Darwin’s book On the Evolution of Species, the theory of Darwinian evolution has dominated science and education.

United News
United News
The Traditional Values Coalition Web site quoted Mario Seiglie's article from the latest Vertical Thought magazine, including a link to the article on the Vertical Thought Web site.
The Traditional Values Coalition Web site quoted Mario Seiglie's article from the latest Vertical Thought magazine, including a link to the article on the Vertical Thought Web site. Under the headline "...
Good News
by Good News
To help our readers cope with the avalanche of evolutionary doctrines brainwashing our present world, the publishers of The Good News have produced two booklets that directly confront the theory of evolution.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Mario Seiglie
Good News writer Mario Seiglie talks about articles that focus on God, science and the Bible in the latest issue of the Good News magazine.
Compass Check

Get ready for the upcoming Holy Days with our feature article this issue. It describes how God designed each Holy Day to illuminate a part of His plan that includes us and ultimately the whole world.

Beyond Today Magazine
by Beyond Today Editor
Here you'll find links to all the additional resources listed in the pages of the magazine in the "Dive Deeper" boxes near the end of each article in the March-April 2024 issue.
United News

Welcome to the March-April 2021 issue of United News. In this issue, you'll find a special insert with information regarding United Youth Camps for 2021 on pages 8-12.

Beyond Today Magazine
by Michael Kelley
Charles Darwin admitted that the available fossil evidence didn’t support his theory of “survival of the fittest,” better known as evolution. But he expected that plenty of evidence would be found in the coming years. Now, more than a...
Beyond Today
by David Treybig
If you believe the biblical account of creation and the origin of man, what strategies can you as parents and students use when confronted with the theory of evolution?
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder
A number of the world's mainstream religions have come to accept Darwinian evolution as the explanation for our existence. But does Darwinism really square with the Scriptures?
