United Church of God


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Total results: 10348.
Good News
by Noel Hornor
If increased divorce was one result of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, another ominous trend accelerated even more dramatically: the number of couples living together outside of marriage.
Good News
by John Ross Schroeder
While technology expands exponentially, the kind of knowledge we urgently need to survive ebbs and wanes. Will you be among those who wait until it's too late?
Beyond Today Magazine

What a year 2020 has been! It started out bad, and seems to have often grown only worse. This has been a year of a world in crisis. But why? Where is all this going? What lies ahead?

Good News
by Good News
The Bible is the most important book in American history. Its importance has not diminished with time. We may not realize the for some decades the consequences of neglecting it, but its relevance for us is just as great as it was for the...
Beyond Today Magazine

Do you know anyone who is worn down and discouraged by the grind of life? Maybe this is affecting your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers. What can you do to help those who are worn down by weariness? How can you better cope yourself?

Beyond Today Magazine

With the global coronavirus pandemic, worldwide economic setbacks and social unrest and turmoil, it’s no wonder that so many people are discouraged and depressed. It’s enough to discourage and frustrate anybody! But what can we do? How can we cope?

United News
United News
Plans are to translate and post one Good News article a month on a new Portuguese Web site, www.revistaboanova.org.
Plans are to translate and post one Good News article a month on a new Portuguese Web site, www.revistaboanova.org. “For the first ‘issue’ I am clustering five articles (five months’ work) into one...
Beyond Today Magazine

Why does it seem that we’re stuck with so many problems that defy solutions? The same problems that plague us today—violence, crime, corruption, hunger, disease, war and so many more—have been with us for thousands of years. Why can’t we find an answer?

Beyond Today Magazine

We live in deeply troubled world. Everywhere we look we see problems. The last year has been one of immense suffering and death. It’s no wonder that people feel so depressed and beaten down. Where can we look for hope when things seem hopeless?

Beyond Today Magazine

The world has been engulfed in a major crisis—a worldwide pandemic for which we have no vaccine and no sure cure. Because of its randomness, people are rightfully concerned.

Beyond Today Magazine

October 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of a major turning point in world history—the beginning of the Protestant Reformation when the German priest/professor Martin Luther challenged several Catholic teachings and practices.

Beyond Today Magazine

In the 160 years that have passed since the publication of Charles Darwin’s book On the Evolution of Species, the theory of Darwinian evolution has dominated science and education.

Beyond Today Magazine

Please Start My Free Subscription to Beyond Today magazine.

Good News
by Scott Ashley
We greet the dawn of a new year with excitement and enthusiasm. A new year brings new opportunities, an occasion for a fresh start. We imagine all sorts of new possibilities.
Good News
by Good News
Child pornography was pretty much eradicated in the 1980s," says Kevin Delli-Colli, head of the Cyber Smuggling Center. But, "with the advent of the Internet, it exploded.
by Scott Ashley
The latest theory about the origin of the epidemic should be of great interest to those who take the Bible seriously, particularly its instructions regarding health and diet.
Beyond Today Magazine

From a biblical standpoint, this is a very significant time of year.

United News
Elizabeth Cannon
In this interview, Internet managing editor Aaron Booth explains the logic of sharing UCG Web content on the Internet and how you can make an impact in preaching the gospel.
Since July 2008, visitors to the UCG Web site used the "ShareThis" link to share our Web pages and articles in 704 e-mails, 233 Facebook posts, 118 MySpace posts and a slew of shares on sites such as Delicious, LinkedIn, Windows Live,...
Beyond Today Magazine

Fifty years ago this month U.S. astronauts left the shining blue ball of earth and walked on the moon for the first time. Throughout the world people stopped and watched transfixed as human beings did something only dreamed about for centuries.

United News
United News
The May-June 2007 issue of the Gute Nachrichten (German Good News ) magazine was again mailed to a record number of subscribers.
The May-June 2007 issue of the Gute Nachrichten (German Good News ) magazine was again mailed to a record number of subscribers. The issue was sent to 4,647 readers in 20 European countries, a 14.5 percent increase...
