United Church of God


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Total results: 20809.
by Dan Dowd
Houston, TX
In this feast Bible Study Mr. Dowd looks at the history of God's true church since its birth in 31 A.D.
by Micah Gunn
2024-04-04 to 2024-04-10
Christians are wrong about the afterlife! For centuries people have misinterpreted scripture and fused it with pagan ideas about what happens after death. The teachings about your immortal soul ascending to heaven or descending to hell to...
by Frank McCrady
Houston, TX
The Bible says we are to reign with Jesus in his kingdom. In this sermon Mr. McCrady asks us what king of leaders will we be? He then goes through several attributes of leadership that we need to be developing in our lives now. Proverbs...
by Dan Dowd
Houston, TX
Many seeing the suffering in our world down through history are unable to believe that God is a God of love. In this sermon Mr. Dowd points out that mankind has never understood God's plan of Salvation. Because of this they cannot answer...
by Jordan Taylor
Houston, TX
Mr. Taylor tells us that one of the most beautiful of the millennial scriptures of the Bible is Isaiah 35 that speaks of the eyes of the blind seeing and deaf hearing and the lame walking. He asks if we can imagine, for example, millions...
by Rich Schultz
Houston, TX
In this sermon Mr. Schultz tells us that the key key skill we must master in this physical life is effective prayer. In order to become divine we need to develop effective communication with our Creator.
by stan Erickson
Houston, TX
Mr. Erickson opens his sermon with a familiar question we often hear asked at the feast, Why are we here? He then answers with, we have gathered here together because we believe a holy God has called a holy people together for a holy...
by Gary Smith
Houston, TX
The troubles we have seen this year due to covid19 do not give us confidence in the physical world. In this sermon Mr. Smith tells us we have something greater to put our confidence in. He tells us we need to build our foundation on the...
Bruno Leclerc

Welcome to our website! A word I think describes us is "authentic". What makes us authentic? We are a church that follows the teachings of Christ and the early New Testament church. We value the Word of God – the Bible. Jesus set the standard for us so we strive to honor, obey and love Him and each other as he taught. We follow Him in worshipping on the Sabbath, as He instructed. So we meet to...

Feast Posts
We have finished the New Braunfels Feast Brochure. It is a low resolution verson in regard to pictures, but the text is fine. The brochure let's you know many of the details of the upcoming Feast in New Braunfels. I am posting a pdf...
United News

In this issue of United News, you can find an analysis of the congregational survey by Julie Brown and a news report on the beginning of the Ambassador Bible College school year.

Bruno Leclerc
United News

Welcome to the July-August 2022 issue of United News!

by Gary Burke
Houston, TX
Our country is being crippled by covid19. Mr. Burke says this lead him to the the topic of Leprosy. Biblical Leprosy involved more types of conditions than what is called Leprosy today. It symbolized physical uncleanness found in...
United News

Welcome to the May-June 2023 issue of United News!

United News

This special issue of United News features Feast of Tabernacles reports from sites all over the world! You can read those reports and view photos from each site on pages 2-16.

United News

Featured in this issue of United News are UYC reports and photos, local church updates, festival announcements for the upcoming Feast of Tabernacles, Ambassador Bible College news and updates from two recent trips to Africa.

United News

In this issue of United News, you can read the report from the General Conference of Elders meeting in early May, travel reports from two pastoral visits, and multiple news items from Ambassador Bible College.

by Stan Martin
Tampa, FL
Stan Martin sermon discusses the truth and gives us three points relating to its definition.
by Patrick Read
Lexington, KY
Are putting away sin and coming out of sin the same thing? What is our responsibility in taking sin out of our lives? Join us for this excellent video sermon that answers these questions and more.
