Message to the IRS: Put Away Lying!

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Message to the IRS

Put Away Lying!

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Message to the IRS: Put Away Lying!

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MP3 Audio (1.25 MB)

Doesn't anyone in high government office understand the lesson of recent political history, the truth always comes out?



[Darris McNeely] I have been so disgusted by the most recent revelations of dishonesty and lying and scandal within the United States' government. One of the latest that has come out in recent weeks and has been in the news is how the Internal Revenue Service, the IRS, has been targeting certain groups for their political views and manipulating matters in order to try to influence the opinion and the actions of these groups as they impact the current administration.

You know I've lived long enough that I have seen that whenever government scandals like this take place, eventually the truth is going to come out. I go back to the days of Watergate back in the 1970's near 40 years ago. And I know that when a government official or an agency like the IRS or whatever it may be, the justice department has been caught in a scandal that eventually the truth will come out, heads will roll.

So what you see right now people who are the leaders in these organizations and these agencies, stonewall or in some cases possibly even tell fabrications or lies, you just want to turn the whole television off, walk away from it, and you're disgusted because you know that lying is eventually going to be found out. It's inevitable. And I think to myself why don't you just admit it? Why don't you just come clean and understand that everybody knows that it goes on all the time?

And there's a lesson there for every one of us to really understand, and it's a lesson that the Bible talks about very plainly. In Ephesians 4:25 the Apostle Paul puts it as about as plain as it can be within scripture among the many place where it may be. In Ephesians 4:25 he says, "Therefore putting away lying, let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor who are members of one another."

Put away lying. Speak the truth. Live the truth. Be a person of truth in all that you say, all that you live, in your whole approach to life, seek truth, live the truth, speak truth. It's always going to be better, and it's always going to win out. Lying never really does work. These scandals however they turn out, whatever is unearthed will prove that point I guarantee you. But you can make a difference in your own life. Put away lying and speak the truth, live the truth, and be a person of truth.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.