Small Holes
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Small Holes
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Why not ignore the little things. Does it matter?
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Why not ignore the little things. Does it matter?
[Steve Myers] There's an old Gaelic Proverb that says, "Small holes sink big ships." I think that applies to all of us spiritually if you think about the meaning behind that old Proverb. Even the tiniest little leak in a gigantic ship, if it's left unattended, if you don't fix that hole, eventually so much water is going to come in that even the biggest of ships is going down.
Now think about that spiritually. The Apostle James said it a little bit differently when he said this in James 3:5. He said it like this, "See how great a forest a little fire kindles." So the biggest of forests is going to be burnt up even with the tiniest little spark if you don't do something about it. And spiritually speaking that can happen to us. Are there any holes, little holes perhaps in your life? Little holes can take all kinds of shapes. What about just the littlest of what you might call a white lie? How about a wandering eye? Little holes in our spiritual life that if we leave unattended could take us down. God tells us to really be careful about these things. Don't ignore even the smallest little leak because it could take us down spiritually.
There's an important Psalm that I think we need to consider when you think about those small holes that sink big ships, sink spiritual ships even. It's found over in Psalm 139:23. Psalm 139:23 says, "Search me, O God, and know my heart." That's a wonderful prayer that we should all pray because we don't want those small holes to get away from us. We need to do something about it and sometimes we're not even that all aware of them. So in this prayer we ask God to help us to see those small holes. And in verse 24 it says, "See if there is any offensive way in me". So we can petition God and ask Him to help us to see those holes, and then guess what? He'll also help us fix those holes because it goes on to say, "And lead me in the way everlasting" (Psalm 139:24).
And so don't let those small leaks, those small holes take our spiritual ship down. Let's pray to God, ask Him to help us to see those things and fix it. Let's do something about it because when we do something about it, we won't allow that small little problem have a huge impact in our lives. So let's fix those holes, and then there's no way that that spiritual ship is going down.
That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.