United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 37581.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely, Gary Petty, Steve Myers
Are you sure you have eternal life? How do you know if you're saved? What is salvation, really? You need to know.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Jesus foretold that religious impostors would come in His name. Are you taking His warning seriously?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Being saved means being rescued from the eternal penalty of sin. But, is it an event or a process? What must you do to be saved?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Christians are saved by His death, resurrection and the life in which He lives within His followers. 
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Do most churches really follow Christ? Is what they teach faithful to what He taught and how He lived?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Many Christian leaders today make bizarre prophetic assertions about news events. Learn how not to be misled by their claims.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Have you been told that Sabbath observance has been abolished? It's time you learned the biblical truth.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty, Steve Myers
Learn what you can do to flee wrong thinking and influences and strongly pursue a life of true, godly purity.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Learn how secular humanism has not only permeated society, but strongly influenced today’s Christianity.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Is church a spiritually shallow experience leaving you seeking a better connection with God? If so, what should you do?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Does the Bible really say humans have souls that are released from the body at death? Discover the surprising answer!
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
Is your eternal life guaranteed? Don’t be too sure. Learn Jesus’ explicit instructions about salvation.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty
Does its strange imagery, revealed thousands of years ago, have a practical application in your life? You need to know.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Satan the devil strongly influences religion by making his corrupt teachings seem correct. Don’t be deceived.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
The message on Beyond Today comes straight from the Bible. It can set your life on a new, better path. How will you respond?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Are they genuine or fictional? Is there is a spirit power behind evil in our world? Are we in a fight with spiritual wickedness?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty, Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
What do these terms have to do with Christ's return? You need to separate truth from fiction.
