United Church of God

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  • by Becky Sweat
Many today are finding it hard to get by. And amid elections and other consequential events, they fear things could worsen. The Bible gives important principles on managing our finances and making it through.
  • by Donald Ward
In the commandment against images, God was addressing more than physical idols. He was also telling us not to think of Him according to what we personally imagine, but to accept Him and our relationship with Him on His terms.
  • by Larry Walker
It’s vital to maintain vigilance in guarding against the enemy’s attempts to corrupt and destroy us. We look here at some of the devil’s tactics that share the same first letter in English.
  • by Tom Robinson
Efforts to destroy the family to remake society have sunk to now redefining sexuality on a fundamental level. These attempts arise from utopian dreams of reshaping the world into an imagined paradise free from biblical morality. Dark forces are driving the false hope and means of trying to realize it, posing an existential threat to humanity. But Truth will ultimately prevail.
  • by Jerold Aust
Maps show the way to your destination. The Bible lays out annual observances that point the way to human destiny. Doesn’t it make good sense to plan your life’s journey by learning how to read the genuine biblical map?

Recent Comments

Tania W's picture Tania W said:
Kia ora,

I needed to hear this series for real! However, all day today I've walked off probably 12x today because it's a two edged sword, of which I loved, then walked off...
6 months 3 weeks ago in 5 Steps to Real Change: Part 1 - Finding Hope in a Confused World

Judy K Resler said:
Thank you so much for this article, Teri. It is encouraging and helpful for me. I, too, feel like God has me 'under construction' and articles like this help me immensely....
8 months 1 week ago in Don’t Quit Keep Playing