United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 29170.
Compass Check
by Mario Seiglie
“I don’t believe in the bible because dinosaurs lived a long time before man ever did.”
Vertical Thought
by Mario Seiglie
Figuring out when the dinosaurs lived relative to man isn't really difficult.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
The strange revelries of modern culture have their roots in ancient rites and religion.
United News
Musa Mazibuko
Creation Museum, gap theory, young earth theory
On November 2, the ABC class of 2012 packed into two 14-passenger vans and headed on a field trip to the Creation Museum. Located 40 miles from the home office in Petersburg, Kentucky, this museum’s purpose is to teach the...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Does the Bible support baptism on behalf of the dead?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What is behind our fascination with sharks? And are sharks in the Bible?
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Everyone has sinned. How can you overcome your sins and find forgiveness?
by Brent Fogelson
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Answering questions about tithes and offerings. As we look into God's word we see that there is much more to tithes and offerings than money.
by Craig Scott
Jacksonville, NC
Contemporary research has determined that one of the main reasons young people abandon God, scripture, church is confusion and doubt about Genesis 1.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Why did Matthew refer to the Kingdom of God as the Kingdom of Heaven?
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
 Explanation of how Genesis is not an allegory or fable, but based on solid evidence.
by Craig Scott
Raleigh, NC
The Genesis account of the re-creation and renewal of the earth. The pre-existence of the earth, the angelic realm prior to Genesis 1, the creation and purpose of mankind.
Beyond Today
by Robert H Berendt
The popular teaching of evolution reared its ugly head over a century ago. Of all mankind’s efforts to deny the one true God, this was perhaps the most devastating because it robs mankind of a purpose in life and hope for a future.
by Victor Kubik
I can’t tell you how excited I am about the new UCG.org website!
