United Church of God


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Total results: 35569.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
Is Jeremiah 10 really talking about a Christmas tree, or something else?
Beyond Today Magazine
by Tom Robinson
Most people assume Christmas originated as a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. But history shows that it’s far older, rooted in ancient idolatrous practices honoring other gods. So does it really honor Jesus and God the Father? How...
Vertical Thought
by Dan Dowd
Many Christmas customs can be traced back to the ancient worship of false gods.
Beyond Today
by Robert H Berendt
More than 40 years ago, I concluded I should no longer celebrate this popular, much-loved holiday. Let me explain why.
In this Teen Bible Study Guide we will lead you to a better understanding of what God thinks about Christmas.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Jerold Aust
Many feel that Christmas marks Christ’s birthday and that it honors Him. After all, can 2 billion professing Christians be wrong? At the same time, some few Christians don’t observe Christmas, believing that Jesus didn’t sanction it and...
by United News
Looking at our Christian walk through the perspective of a tree can teach us about our own spiritual growth.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
I know Christmas is pagan. What difference does it make if I celebrate it?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers, Darris McNeely
Which tree will you choose for Christmas? Does it matter?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Imagine doing this. But does it mean you would be abandoning Christ? The answer is no! Discover the Bible’s pivotal reason.
