United Church of God


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Total results: 56383.
by Victor Kubik
I can’t tell you how excited I am about the new UCG.org website!
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Everyone has sinned. How can you overcome your sins and find forgiveness?
United News
Victor Kubik
Letter from the President
UCG president Victor Kubik shares the news of the death of Roger Foster and provides update from recent Council of Elders meetings.
Roger Foster, a dear brother in the ministry and friend to many, died on February 27, to await eternal life in the Kingdom of God. He was preceded in death by his beloved wife, Janice, on November 27, to whom he was married for 56 years...
by Brent Fogelson
Phoenix Northwest, AZ
Answering questions about tithes and offerings. As we look into God's word we see that there is much more to tithes and offerings than money.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
The strange revelries of modern culture have their roots in ancient rites and religion.
United News
United News
The United Church of God can receive donations from the AmazonSmile Foundation as a result of shoppers naming the United Church of God as their charity of choice when shopping online at Amazon.
How To Sign Up: Go to smile.amazon.com, log in to your Amazon account and choose UCG as your charity. Then, whenever you shop at Amazon, enter the site first by going to smile.amazon.com. You’ll find the exact...
by David Meidinger
Phoenix East, AZ
People believe God's promise of healing, but questions arise. Here are Biblical answers to several such questions.
by David Meidinger
Phoenix East, AZ
People believe God's promise of healing, but questions arise. Here are Biblical answers to several such questions.

The Murgon congregation of the United Church of God meets one Saturday (Sabbath) each month for a Bible Study. The one-hour service is for instruction based upon the Holy Bible as the source of the Word of God, followed up with discussion of the topic presented and fellowship over refreshments.

United News
Mitchell Moss
UCG hopes the record breaking amount of unique visits to the UCG website last December will become a monthly trend in 2014. This seems likely due to the website's large volume of resources and strong search results on Google.
The Church is very pleased to report that December 2013 was a record-breaking month with more than 1 million unique visitors to the United Church of God’s primary website UCG.org. A total of 1,026,510 unique visits were recorded...
Sabbath School Lessons Go Online -- United News July, 2002 Beginning in August of this year 240 Sabbath School lessons for teachers will be posted on the UCG website. This Sabbath School project, designed...
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Get more from your bible… have an action plan to read it and dig deeper. Do this and you’ll get more from Church services, more from sermons you hear and God's word will improve your life.
Beyond Today Daily
Join United Church of God president Rick Shabi as he discusses various topics focusing on the truth of the Bible and giving a biblical worldview on what is happening in our world. Watch to gain insights into biblical views on the future...
United News
Nicholas Bizic
Scott Ashley addressed the GCE, giving a keynote examining spiritual gifts and their use from the Bible.
Scott Ashley presented the first keynote of the 2013 General Conference of Elders titled “Edifying the Body Through Spiritual Gifts.” Mr. Ashley stated that Dennis and LeeAnn Luker are partly responsible for this topic being...
United News
Chuck Zimmerman
Three Kingdom of God Bible Seminars were held in Jamaica and St. Lucia during the Holy Days.
In Montego Bay, Jamaica, a seminar was held on March 23. This was the second lecture conducted by UCG in Montego Bay. Good Newssubscribers from the surrounding area were invited. Nine new people attended the lecture, which was...
