But a Step Between Us and Death

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But a Step Between Us and Death

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When I heard the news of a tragic car accident involving four friends I immediately thought of the words spoken by David, "...there is but a step between me and death".

Last weekend was picture perfect for a gathering with long time friends and my family. We had planned it for weeks. An overnight visit with our youngest son and his two children. And on Sunday morning a picnic in the park to celebrate Fathers Day.

We did all this and enjoyed every minute. But sadly during the weekend we were informed of a tragic auto accident involving another group of four friends who were driving home from church services. One lady was killed while the other three were hospitalized with minor bruising to serious injury.

It was a reminder of how quickly life can turn. 1 Samuel 20:3 offers the words of David to his best friend Jonathan, “But truly, as the Lord lives and as your soul lives, there is but a step between me and death” (1 Samuel 20:3). For each of us as we drive the highways and live each day this is a reality. Tragedy can strike quickly.

So why did one friend die and three others live? I do not know. But I live by God’s Word, the Bible, and it tells us "time and chance happen to all” and “man does not know his time. For man also does not know his time: Like fish taken in a cruel net, like birds caught in a snare, so the sons of men are snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly upon them.” (Ecclesiastes 9:11-12)

That a sparrow does not fall from the sky without God knowing and willing it, then this accident involving my friends—and any other even under sun, does not happen without God's knowledge or by His will. It will hurt. It will not always be understood. But a sovereign God exists and this earth and life upon it is here for His great purpose.

From the moment of impact in that accident God was in control. He worked His perfect sovereign will in death and in life. Through the weeks and months ahead the survivors will learn why. Life will go on—forever changed—for this small group. Wisdom and understanding will emerge and all who yield to God will see His works. 

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  • Joshua Infantado
    This is sad news... We may never know the answers to our questions, but we will someday, in God's time...
  • macnana
    Solomon was truly the wise man ever existed in all his speech that he make in Proverbs and Ecclesiastes!!! Well, he realize that anyone no matter status, no matter the wealth you possess, young and old rich and poor just name them, can die anytime without expecting. So why this life? What is life? Why are we here? Sometimes is better you never existed than rather be here and suffer life to extreme. People are dying, suffering in war and hunger just name them. But the Bible encourage us with all this life problems so we must act wisely in everyday life so as to do our things just as the wise will do. Greetings from Ghana!!!
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