Thanksgiving vs. Christmas

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Thanksgiving vs. Christmas

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America just largely ignored its most biblical holiday: Thanksgiving.

Christmas shopping ad campaigns like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Green Tuesday—even Black Friday Month—dominated advertising and even news coverage at the end of November. But so little attention was given to Thanksgiving.

Some Christians denounce the commercializing of the religious meaning of Christmas, but sadly, they miss many vital points of truth. However, our premise with The Good News magazine is that you don’t have to miss those points!

Three reasons why Thanksgiving is more biblical than Christmas:

1. Jesus Christ did give thanks to God the Father.

When He fed the 4,000 and the 5,000 hungry men plus women and children, Jesus gave thanks and blessed the food (Matthew 15:30-39; John 6:1-14). At the end of His ministry He specifically thanked God for the unleavened bread and wine of the Passover ceremony that commemorated the sacrifice of His own life for our sins (Luke 22:14-23).

The principle of thanking God for all our physical and spiritual blessings and for life itself is woven throughout the Bible. As national holidays America’s and Canada’s Thanksgiving Days are based on honoring the blessings that God has given their people. ( Is Thanksgiving Rooted in a Biblical Festival? )

2. Jesus Christ did not command that His birthday be observed.

Part of developing Christianity decided to observe Christ’s day of birth, but "Christ-mass," as it came to be called, was not widely observed until A.D. 354! However, Jesus, His disciples and the apostles did not observe His birthday.

Instead of His day of birth, Christ commanded His followers to observe the day of His death—the Passover (1 Corinthians 11:26). Unfortunately, Christianity long ago rejected the Passover and substituted Easter—a day named after and honoring the pagan fertility goddess Ishtar. This is something that Jesus doesn’t approve of!  ( Easter: Masking a Biblical Truth )

3. Jesus Christ was not born on December 25.

Despite the popular idea, the shepherds did not stay out at night with their flocks in mid-winter. It got too cold for that during winter near Bethlehem! Also, the Christmas-observing part of Christianity had no clear idea when He was born, so they suggested dates from all over the calendar during the early centuries after Christ.

However, had they more carefully read the details in the Bible, those early church leaders could have found that although the exact day of His birth is not revealed, Jesus of Nazareth was born in the autumn—not in the winter. ( Biblical Evidence Shows Jesus Wasn't Born on December 25 )

We want to thank you for being a reader of The Good News and encourage you to share it with your friends and family. Keep reading and learning more!

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  • chrissy_65

    i myself have not found thanksgiving in being a pagan holiday, only christmas,, halloween, easter, even valentines day is not in the bible to celebrate.. but i do have to say that i thank God every day for the blessings he has given me,, not just on thanksgiving. But on easter,, i do not celebrate this with eggs or bunnies,, i made a huge cross out of 4x4 and put a white cloth over it which states,,, jesus lives,, and i put that cross in my front yard for all to see and be reminded that jesus died on the cross for us and defeated death and rose, this is how i celebrate that time of year.

  • SeekingtheTruth

    Hey I've got a question. I saw somebody on here one time state that Thanksgiving was actually a pagan holiday. I'm wondering if anyone ever looked into that and what they found. If it is, then how is it "more biblical". I'm not asking mr. luker this question...i'm asking anyone else reading this.

  • GodsBarbie

    Thanks giving-the holliday ,was indians an pilgrims who down the road ended up killing each other an lossing site of the greatest Bible principle LOVE did not Jesus state this clear enough ? so hello,we comemerate this,what as how not to end up .sure well with the hated of races an religon an just about everything i dont see it !!! what i will agree on is as Jesus gave thanks so should we,as father Abrham,mosess,the desiples have shown!!! All is by the grace of God ,nothing is due us,so how much more should we praise an give thanks in every moment of life even when its a storm raging around u!Cus even Jesus calmed the sea an walked on watter.How much more do u think he will do for those who are faithful? So shouldnt we all want the truth an only his truth ??? Then were is the love when we hang on tighter to traditons than to God??? I ask this final thing ,what is a relationship if its based on lies ,even the truth becomes hard to trust,so who are we trusting God or mans perspectives ????????????????????????????????????????????????????

  • KARS

    Hi Mr. Rodo,
    You are right. We should give thanks everyday.
    For those of us that do not keep most Holidays but Mother's & Father's day and Thanksgiving;

    These days are family reunion days. It a time to bring the family together again for several or few hours. It is a time to catch up with our siblings, parents and friends. And even grandchildren maybe added to the family. It's a time to reflect on all of the blessings of the year for each family member and friend that have come to meet again. Our families do not stay young forever, they grow up, move on into their own grownup lives and may even start new families of their own.

    It's special time filled with love, laughter, and yes even sometimes strife. And it only comes around once a year.

  • Don Rodo

    Dennis; my first time in comments so please be patient. When my pastor gave the same opinion as you on the thanksgiving hollyday, I could not hold myself and told him more or less this.
    As christians or believers or whatever name you want to hold, why have a need for ONE DAY TO THANK THE LORD?
    Aren´t we suppossed to thank everyday. That why I feel ashamed of the thanksgiving hollyday.
    I thank everyday, I tought my family to do so and "enjoy thanksgiving as a large weekend". Money makes the world go´round says the song. So give Cesar what belongs to Cesar. Don´t get confussed. Thank the lord everyday, at all times, with joy for what u got, what u will get and for everything. Don´t just wait for the third thursday of november. That day run to your fammily and thank Gor for having one, or not having one but for having Him. That´s it. TY and Gby. (God bless you)

  • dusty

    Re link: Is Thanksgiving Rooted in a Biblical Festival?

    Please see the 15 comments on this article.

  • Obiernest

    Most people knew Jesus was not born on December 25th. But celebrates his birth on this date since his actual birthday is not clearly stated in the scripture. I think Christmas is worth celebrating despite not being a biblical command because it brings the world to the consciousness of Christ purpose of coming to the world.
    I don't think the use of the word "easter" during the celebration of Christ death and resurrection removes the significance of what is being commemorated.
    If the leaders of the church in this contemporary time focus on what Christmas and Easter celebrates i.e. the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the message of the two celebrations will become more impacting.

  • joshUare

    I agree with all three of your points but I still don't see the point? Why is is wrong to celebrate Jesus? especially if it is an opportunity for you to share the gospel? Why does the church argue over stupid things (that don't affect someones salvation) and don't even share the gospel with the world around them???

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