United Church of God


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Total results: 33625.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
Should babies be baptized? What does the Bible teach about baptism?
Bible Study Aids

What is your destiny? Why do you exist? Is there a reason, a purpose, for human life? These questions have baffled the greatest thinkers and philosophers down through the ages.

Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty, Darris McNeely, Steve Myers
Movies, books and Websites are fanning the 2012 disaster craze. Should you be troubled? Learn the important truth!
by John Ross Schroeder
Futuristic thinking about possible medical advances brings an interesting dilemma: Is living longer really better?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Darris McNeely
The Minutemen of old responded swiftly to defend liberty. In our age of spiritual crisis are you responding to God's call?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Gary Petty, Steve Myers
You were created for a magnificent future. Discover the profound purpose for your life and what you should be doing about it.
United News
Paul SpenserKira SpenserSolveig HammarVictor KubikBeverly Yvonne Kubik
The United Church of God on June 24 sponsored a Good News seminar in Mjölby, Sweden.
The United Church of God on June 24 sponsored a Good News seminar in Mjölby, Sweden. Current and past readers of the GN were invited to attend. Eleven people attended with four who were not UCG members....
Vertical Thought
by Amanda Stiver
New analysis from Harvard University lends support to the long-held conclusion of many that no extraterrestrial life exists in the universe.
Bible Questions and Answers
God is holy and even instructs us to be holy. What does it mean to be holy, and how can we meet that expectation?
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Steve Myers answers a viewer's question: How and why does Beyond Today offer literature for free? Is there a way to get all the publications at the same time?
