United Church of God


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Total results: 31532.
United News
Scott Ashley
Many of you may have wondered why you haven't received a Good News expanded edition for some time.
Many of you may have wondered why you haven't received a Good News expanded edition for some time. The simple answer is that we haven't produced one for some time. The longer answer is a bit more involved. We've...
United News
Lincoln Marini
Jennifer Heesch, Mario Seiglie and Bill Carter at the newsstand at Irvine Spectrum Mall.
Garden Grove brethren in Orange County California have been displaying UCG booklets in California retail malls since January 2016. From 2016 to December 2019, UCG booklets have been displayed in retail malls 89 times for a total of 383...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik briefly describes the Council of Elders meeting that were held this week at the home office in Cincinnati. He also shares brief updates happening in the such. Such as: the new ABC class...
The Council of Elders has just concluded its first quarterly meeting of the current 2017-2018 fiscal year. The Council maintains an air of transparency and some of the meetings are recorded and can be viewed by all. This helps everyone...
Peter Eddington
The first month or so of our most recent space advertising campaign is bringing in thousands of requests for two booklets and a Good News magazine subscription.
The first month or so of our most recent space advertising campaign is bringing in thousands of requests for two booklets and a Good News magazine subscription. The two booklets being offered are The Middle East in...
United News
Jesmina Allaoua
UCG-Netherlands printed its eighth translated booklet, Is er leven na de dood? (What Happens After Death?).
UCG-Netherlands printed its eighth translated booklet, Is er leven na de dood?(What Happens After Death?). The ninth booklet, Schepping of Evolutie: Maakt het uit wat u gelooft?(Creation or Evolution: Does...
United News
Ruth Root
Australia adds 14,000 Good News subscribers.
It is with a great deal of thankfulness that we are able to report that, in spite of considerable setbacks during the financial year because of health trials experienced by Australian Operations Centre staff members, the goal of replacing...
