United Church of God


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Bible Study Aids

Is it possible to know what the future holds for us? The Creator of mankind does have a plan for us, and He reveals it to us through an annual cycle of festivals described in the Scriptures.

This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Here's another example of how a cute saying can make a concrete difference.
United News
Janet Treadway
A look at what goes into planning and producing the Church's video program.
The very first Beyond Today programs were recorded Nov. 16, 2005, and the first one was aired Dec. 18. Over the first year 40 programs have been recorded. Beyond Today is currently airing on 190 cable-access TV...
by Brian Shaw
Duluth, MN
New Covenant believers begin God’s annual HD cycle as they began their conversion, in a very intimate embrace of the victory over sin and death won for us by Jesus Christ.
by Brian Shaw
Twin Cities, MN
As we begin the process of self-examination and deleavening our homes and hearts prior to the Spring HD’s, let’s be sure we are not straining out gnats and swallowing camels.
by Brian Shaw
Twin Cities, MN
As the human condition grows increasingly more desperate, even those who know the truth can become discouraged, but in God’s HD’s, His children have hope, even in a hopeless world.
by John Elliott
Yuma, AZ
Nobody can inherit eternal life on their own. It is impossible for a human to even begin the process God ordained that ends with salvation. However, it is quite possible for you to attain the Kingdom of God through a successful mentoring...
by Justin Massie
Lehigh Valley, PA
Christ’s sacrifice is a critical step in the plan of reconciliation of mankind to God. A review of the lessons God expects us to take from His plan and use in our lives.
by Len Martin
Mansfield, OH
We live in an increasingly chaotic and anxiety-producing world. With all those stressors affecting people, we might find ourselves in situations where we need to reconcile with others in the church who've offended us in some way....
by Joe Horchak
El Paso, TX
Mankind's reconciliation begins with the Day of Atonement and binding of Satan. Then the restoration of God's relationship with man can begin.
Bible Questions and Answers
What did Jesus Christ mean by His statements recorded in Matthew 5:31-32 that the sin of adultery is grounds for a believer to divorce his or her spouse?
by Charles J. Williams
Seattle, WA
Reconciliation is an important process by which we repair our relationships broken by sin. God’s Word lays out the importance of reconciliation and what is expected of us through the reconciliation process.
by David Jones
Colorado Springs, CO
In Part 2 of the sermon "Be Reconciled," David Jones continues to explore the steps toward becoming reconciled with our brother. As we are called to a Ministry of Reconciliation, he focuses on understanding what Reconciliation is, what it...
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
As we travel through our lives, we collect wounds. Some of those wounds are superficial, others are quite deep. As time goes on, those woulds scar over - but sometimes they are not fully healed despite the scarring. How does forgiveness...
by Victor Hou
Las Vegas, NV
One of the facets of the gospel of the Kingdom of God is reconciliation. Today’s message is about the good news of reconciliation. We will talk about reconciliation with God, reconciliation with fellow man, and our responsibility...
by Len Martin
Columbus, OH
How would you describe the state of humanity today? Nothing seems to make sense anymore; because of it we live in a chaotic time. We must be careful that this doesn’t seep into the church and affect our relationship with people. In this...
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
Sermon series Part 3. Forgiveness, Repentance, Reconciliation. What Is Reconciliation and what is our responsibility in it?
