United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 3301.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Here is a reminder of our Savior's awesome love.
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Examples from the Bible on how NOT to pray, as well as examples for how TO pray.
by Rod Foster
Orlando, FL
America's idea of liberty has changed over the years. Many Americans define liberty (or freedom) as the ability to do whatever one pleases. But that concept ignores the natural consequences of one's actions. The consequences of one's...
by Jim Butler
Las Vegas, NV
Life is difficult and complex and people are complex. When we really understand that it becomes less so. We should not be reluctant to face into problems and our sins. It’s important to acknowledge, to admit, problems and sins. This...
by Stephen Betts
Huntsville, AL
Pentecost is the 3rd annual Holy Day on God's calendar. Unlike the other Holy Days, which all have a specific date, Pentecost is timed by counting. What can we learn from counting 50?
by Nathan Ekama
Central Illinois
What is a graven image? How does this apply today. If we are deciding for ourselves what is divine to put before God, then we are creating idols
by Thomas Bulharowski
Columbus, GA
Second Tithe and Rejoicing At The Feast of Tabernacles
by Joshua Creech
Indianapolis, IN
Pastor Joshua Creech covers five points in God’s design for marriage between a man and woman in light of society’s war against gender identity and the traditional Christian marriage.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
We have a tendency to romanticize things we read in the Bible, but the New Testament Passover of 31 A.D. was a tumultuous event. It was a high-stakes drama in which the worst flaws of human nature were on display, only to be contrasted...
by Jim Moody
East Texas
Have you ever worried about being deceived by false teachers? Deception and false prophets have been around since well before the time of Christ, and deception is predicted to intensify as the time of the end approaches. We the elect can...
by Wayne Dunlap
Sacramento, CA
Compared to the manifold greatness of God, is any man or woman truly great? Compare: 1-The Greatness of God's Eternal Plan; 2- The Greatness of God's Eternal Calling; and 3-The Greatness of God's Eternal Reward.
Bible Study Aids

Who was Jesus? Few will dispute that a man named Jesus lived 2,000 years ago and that He was a great teacher who impacted the world from His time forward.

by Kelly Irvin
Northwest Arkansas
A popular Christian hymn adapted from a poem written in the mid-1800s has some excellent descriptions of what God has done and does do for us, but it uses a repeated phrase that can be misconstrued and misapplied. Fortunately, a particular...
by Jorge de Campos
Lexington, KY
Join us for this excellent video sermon on the subject "How to be Counted Worthy" . This is in the context of II Thessalonians Chapter 1.
Good News
by Beyond Today Editor
If you think our culture is bad and quickly growing worse, you're correct. So how can—and should—you start setting things right?
by Maduawuchi Nkwocha
New York City, NY
God's perspective on what it takes to be elevated to greater heights in life, and what is responsible for falling from positions of grace.
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
One should be baptized by a true minister of Jesus Christ who understands that repentance begins with fearing God and obeying His laws.
by Charlie Hart
New Jersey - North
People can easily put God in a box and worship an idol of their own making without realizing that God is King of the world and should be worshiped as He instructed.
by John Miller
North Canton, OH
We look at the nature and essence of the Holy Spirit in three components: the essence, the procession and the indwelling of the Spirit.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
What are you thinking?
