The Book of Revelation Unveiled

The fundamental message of the book of Revelation is simple. It promises that God will institute universal peace, prosperity and cooperation over all the earth immediately after the return of Jesus Christ. It reveals how this wonderful new world will be established and why it will never be destroyed or superseded by any other way of life or social order.

Table of Contents

An explosion
3 minutes
Is the book of Revelation relevant today? Is it possible for us to understand it? Can we know to whom it was written—and why? What are the meanings of...
A person opening a dusty Bible.
20 minutes
Why was the book of Revelation written? As mentioned before, the book's very name means to reveal —to unveil, to open to understanding what otherwise...
Infographic: Story Flow of the Book of Revelation
1 minute
Use this chart to help understand the story flow of the book of Revelation.
Infographic: Chapter Outline of the Book of Revelation
1 minute
View the chapter outline of the book of Revelation.
Ephesus main street and theater.
11 minutes
For whom was the book of Revelation written?
A group of people in a meeting hall.
3 minutes
The Church is made up of people called to follow Jesus Christ.
A Bible on a table.
3 minutes
Dual themes are common in Bible prophecy.
A Bible opened to first page of Revelation.
6 minutes
The dramatic symbolism of the book of Revelation comes from the divine author of all the other books of the Bible.
Old church tower at night.
20 minutes
Revelation's main prophetic message is unveiled primarily through seven sets of symbols sketched on a scroll fastened with seven successive seals.
Burnt trees along the side of road with a red sky.
17 minutes
The seven trumpets provide us with a summary of what will happen during the time known as the Day of the Lord.
Artist illustration of the beast mentioned in Revelation 13.
14 minutes
Satan's warfare against God's people, including Jesus Christ, the natural descendants of ancient Israel and all true Christians, is the primary...
A woman standing in the dark.
3 minutes
How will the mark and number of the beast affect people as the time of the end draws near?
An artist's rendition of the woman riding the beast mentioned in Revelation 17.
6 minutes
The events described in the second half of the book of Revelation are directly related to the past and future of two symbolic women who are...
Building rubble that is smoking.
4 minutes
As the time of Christ's return draws near, Satan will direct his wrath not only toward faithful Christians, but toward the physical descendants of all...
A old burnt forest with a red sky.
22 minutes
When will God put an end to wickedness? The book of Revelation answers this question and more.
3 minutes
Why will so many people zealously follow Satan's deceptive ways to their death?
A sunrise over a field with a morning mist.
8 minutes
What is the Kingdom of God that it should be our highest priority in life?