United Church of God


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Total results: 15909.
by Philip Aust
Atlanta, GA
In this message, Philip Aust goes through UCG's Bible Study Course (BSC) Lesson 1. Lesson 1 (L1) focuses on how to prove the Bible is the Word of God. Click on the links below to read BSC L1 and take the BSC L1 Quiz. For added learning,...
United News
Peter Eddington
Last fiscal year 135,000 copies of the Bible Study Course were reprinted, for a total of 1.18 million copies of all lessons printed so far.
Last fiscal year 135,000 copies of the Bible Study Course were reprinted, for a total of 1.18 million copies of all lessons printed so far. An interesting note about Bible Study Course graduates: 11 percent of...
United News
United News
Duncan McClenagan was recently hired as a junior web developer for the United Church of God.
Although he was born in Texas, Duncan lived most of his life near the village of Telkwa, British Columbia, Canada. He received his BSc in physics from the University of Northern British Columbia in 2017, his MSc in physics from McMaster...
United News
Peter Eddington
In December 2006 a subscriber development letter was sent to just over 200,000 U.S. Good News subscribers offering them the Bible Study Course.
This was the largest number who have received this offer, and the first letter offering the Bible Study Course in two years. In just a few weeks, we have received 17,000 responses, and they are still coming in! This is...
United News
Peter EddingtonJohn LaBissoniere
The Bible Study Course was promoted and mailed to thousands of interested readers this past fiscal year.
The Bible Study Course was promoted and mailed to thousands of interested readers this past fiscal year. During the fiscal year, 130,000 copies were reprinted (3 percent less than last year). This all equates to 1.3 million...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Sometimes it seems weeds crop up everywhere! Wishing you a weed-free day!
United News
Peter Eddington
It is with great thanks and appreciation that we recognize the dedicated efforts and support of the Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and St. Paul, Minnesota, congregations for their invaluable work on the Bible Study Course graduate tape program.
It is with great thanks and appreciation that we recognize the dedicated efforts and support of the Eau Claire, Wisconsin, and St. Paul, Minnesota, congregations for their invaluable work on the Bible Study Course graduate...
Beyond Today
by , Mike Bennett
Dozens of tools to help you understand more about God’s Word, the Holy Bible, are readily available through the Internet. They are invaluable, but they are free!
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
Salvation means being delivered from harm, loss or destruction. When used in a spiritual sense it means to be rescued from the penalty of sin. Since all people need salvation, is God offering it to them today, or has He set in motion a...
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
Amid ongoing trials and adversities pushing you to bitterness and defeat, discover real, lasting hope—so powerful that, when you embrace it, despair is overcome.
Beyond Today Magazine
by James Ginn
Though evil permeates our world, we look forward in hope—to a future day when evil will be gone at last!
United News
Robert DickClyde Kilough
The new Strategic Plan developed by the Council of Elders and the Operation Plan developed by the administration were approved by the General Conference of Elders May 18. Here are excerpts from the introductory letters sent to the elders,...
Strategic Plan: From the Chairman The Council of Elders and home office administration are pleased to present to you our new Strategic and Operation Plans. It has been a dizzying six months going from concept to completion. As you...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Our world is changing before our eyes in frightening ways. What’s behind the bizarre things we are seeing, and what can we do about them?
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
Having been with Jesus Christ throughout His ministry, His original 12 apostles became deeply saddened when He told them He would be going away. But what awesome event turned their sorrow into joy? And what should that singular occurrence...
United News
by Heidi Braun
It’s easy to get caught up in the things that are going wrong—but what are some things we can rejoice about?
Feast Site
Festival Coordinator: 
Dan Preston
Feast Site Region: 
United States
Site Full: Register for Waitlist NEW UPDATE: Online registration for Panama City Beach begins at 12 p.m EDT on Sunday, May 8th, 2022.   Condo pricing in the printed Festival Housing Brochure and what...
