United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 23760.
Compass Check
by Ben Light
his afternoon after work, I could walk into a store, put my money on the counter and walk out with an ounce of marijuana. Because I’m older than 21 and it is legal in my home state of Oregon (as well as Washington, Colorado and Alaska), a...
Vertical Thought
by David Treybig
Sadly, many young people today are falling on their brains—that is, they don't know how to protect their brains from danger as they're growing up.
Vertical Thought
by Dan Dowd
So, is marijuana a harmless drug or a gateway to all kinds of trouble?
World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville, John Ross Schroeder
Young adults have found another substance to give them a rush, but it's rushing some to their graves. Ever vulnerable to the unscrupulous pushers of potions, young people in their late teens and early 20s are buying laughing gas to get...
Good News
by Good News
The 2006 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, under the auspices of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, tracks drug use among those 12 years and older. It revealed:
Vertical Thought
by David Cobb
Are teen girls growing up too fast? Are they becoming sexually active too early in life?
Vertical Thought
by Randy Stiver
"Smoke! Smoke! Smoke that cigarette. Puff! Puff! Puff—and if you smoke yourself to death, Tell St. Peter at the Golden Gate That you hate to make him wait, But you just gotta have another cigarette!" "Smoke, Smoke, Smoke That Cigarette,"...
Vertical Thought
by David Treybig
Through the principles found in the Bible, we can know what He thinks about this modern issue.
Vertical Thought
by Cassandra Howard
Sun Safety Here's how you can protect yourself from the sun and have a safe, fun-filled summer.
Vertical Thought
by Howard Davis
In today's culture, porn is not going away. You can avoid the damage this sin causes.
