United Church of God


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Total results: 24793.
United News
by Shawn Cortelyou
There is no partiality in The Zone. Everyone is accepted for the unique individual they are, as all work towards the common goal of living by God's ways. Campers are never put down, but built up and encouraged as they improve their skills...
United News
by Dan Dowd
UYC Camps create an environment where campers feel comfortable trying new, challenging activities. Through team work, problem solving and applying God's word to their lives they discover their abilities. Success leads to confidence, which...
by Scott McKeon
Phoenix East, AZ
What is your real spiritual comfort zone? At least seven elements of a comfort zone: 1-Fun, 2-Challenge, 3-Success, 4-Support, 5-Inclusiveness, 6-Structure, 7-Positive Relationships.
United News
by Gary Smith
When campers first arrive at camp it can be difficult to trust that the Zone is a safe environment, when they are used to the harsh conditions of the world they grow up in. The UYC staff creates a positive, supportive camp atmosphere. As...
United News
Len Martin
Ohio­—July 31-Aug. 3
Camp Buckeye, located in north-central Ohio’s beautiful Amish Country, ran from July 31-Aug. 3. This year we had 96 campers (a 20-percent increase over last year) and 74 staff members. We have maxed out the facility and will likely have to...
by Ben Light
Salem, OR
One of the long standing cultural mainstays of our UYC program is the building and maintaining of the Zone. The zone is an environment in which God can work with us to grow. There are seven elements of the zone that are necessary in order...
United News
Len Martin
On Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015, seven people (Jorge de Campos, Kathy de Campos, Stella Helterbrand, Courtney Horvath, Isaac Nelson, David Rains and Len Martin) traveled to Brazil to run the first ever youth camp in the area for 26 campers,...
The planning began in January of 2015, when Jorge de Campos, director of the Church’s efforts in the Portuguese speaking countries, made a request to Roy Holladay, operation manager for Ministerial and Member Services and Steve Nutzman,...
Compass Check
by Mike Phelps
The electric power of encouragement is yours to give!
United News
Jeff Lockhart
Lake Placid was the location for our first preteen camp for the state of Florida, held June 6-9, with 35 campers and 47 staff.
Our theme, “Be Anchored to God,” carried through Christian Living classes, arts and crafts, the scavenger hunt, Compass Check, dorm parent time and other activities. We used the elements of “The Zone” for the challenge course, which proved...
United News
The theme for this year’s camp season was “Race to Your Crown."
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, Later in this issue you will read about what may be the last summer Church youth camps for this year. It is encouraging to read about our young people...
United News
Steve Nutzman
Campers had been hoping for snow in time for Winter Camp, and snow they got!
The 11th annual Winter Camp began on Dec. 21 and ended Dec. 26. Campers from 13 states enjoyed the winter activities of tubing and cross-country skiing. The 48 campers and 33 staff members enjoyed five days together building bonds and...
Vertical Thought
by Debbie Pennington
A man who has friends must himself be friendly (Proverbs 18:24).
United News
by David Jones, Joy Jones
Preteen Camp Colorado was held from June 18-21 in the gorgeous Rocky Mountains near Estes Park, Colorado.
by Frank Dunkle
Portsmouth, OH
Should we have fun on the Sabbath? Is fun a childish thing we should have put away? What does the bible say about fun? At United Youth Camps we live by the 7 elements of the zone, and one of those elements is Fun. What defines fun? God...
Good Works
Kayla Rains
Good Works
I see their potential as children of God and champion heartily for their success.
I’m looking out over the lake on our last morning at camp, feeling protective as I recognize the 13 bobbing heads in the water. They love the swimming pools even though the breeze is cool and clouds cover the skies. These girls are...
United News
Frank Dunkle
God’s blessings are often evident in our summer camp program, and that was certainly the case for Camp Cotubic this year.
More campers than ever attended the program—139!—largely because Camp Woodmen was not available for the Church’s use this year. Half a dozen or so of the staff who would have served at Woodmen joined the Cotubic staff this summer, as did...
