by Don McCoy
Brethren kept an encouraging Feast of Tabernacles in Ocean City, Maryland.
by Erik Jones
Bible prophecy predicts with certainty that in the Kingdom of God child abductions and sexual abuse will not happen—no more Amber Alerts!
by David Treybig
Whatever does not work with God. He alone makes the rules and determines truth. We only get to decide wether we will accept His authority and live by His instructions or not.
by Vertical Thought
Here's some advice for making money and putting it to work so you'll be able to meet your long-term goals.
by Larry Greider
High school education in the United States has been on the decline for several years. What are the keys obtaining a good education, regardless of where you live?
by John Ross Schroeder, Noel Hornor
The Bible has been of more benefit to humanity than any other book in history.
by Frank Dunkle
A commentary by Frank Dunkle
by Heidi Braun
How can we teach children about the Sabbath? Here are a few ideas parents shared for how families can make the Sabbath extra special.
by David Treybig
Sadly, many young people today are falling on their brains—that is, they don't know how to protect their brains from danger as they're growing up.
by Frank Dunkle
The God who made the universe provides abundant how-to instructions in the Bible about doing right and avoiding wrong.
by David Treybig
Before you being college, you will need a few tools in your belt that will aid you in staying the Christian course
by Mike Bennett
Far too many American young people enter adulthood unprepared. Teachers, mayors, parents and even the president have a role in changing this, but ultimately the students themselves must take ownership of their education, both in school and...
by Randy Stiver
We're born, we live, we die and then we're history. But when we're young we think about our future!