by Amanda Stiver
Keep technology appropriate to its place. Don't let it grow out of proportion or obscure your vital lines of communication with God.
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
These facts by themselves indicate that many aspects of such viewing can and will encourage risky behavior in teenagers and children.
by Greg B. Johnson
A recent study finds that youth who spend hours playing violent video games have less activity in the frontal lobes of their brains than other youth
by David Myers
A Young Christian's Guide to Using Social Network Sites.
by David Cobb
Are teen girls growing up too fast? Are they becoming sexually active too early in life?
by Beyond Today Editor
Early last year the term “fake news” wasn’t a part of our vocabulary. Sure, there were satirical news and websites that had obvious fake news, but it was for fun and entertainment. Then this new idea of fake news spread across Facebook and...
by Cecil Maranville
The dangers of telephone chatlines seem overshadowed by internet chatrooms, but the danger is equally present.
by John Ross Schroeder
How does the rest of the world view the United States?
by Cecil Maranville, Jim Tuck, Tom Kirkpatrick
The average age at which U.S. teens start drinking is 16-down from 18 in the 1960s.
by Darris McNeely
I am learning to discern between good and evil. Are you?
by Michael Kelley
The minds of young people are being pummeled every day by an increasingly wayward culture and time spent plugged into social media. Let’s look at the broadening scope of the crisis—and explore realistic solutions.
by United News
The Feast of Tabernacles and Eighth Day was held in Lomas de Pinares, Pichilemu, Chile
by Larry Greider
"Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body" -Sir Richard Steele.
by Gary Antion
Did you know that at any given moment over 50,000 potential child molesters are on the Internet?
by Jerold Aust, John Ross Schroeder
Laura Sessions Stepp articulated an obvious but important truth in a recent article for The Washington Post.
by Cecil Maranville
A study by San Diego State University shows a shocking cultural shift in the attitudes and practices of teen girls regarding sex. What should you do to help your teens avoid the pain and suffering this could bring?
by Amanda Stiver
How do you balance being a teen with becoming an adult?
by Cecil Maranville
Counterculture parents of the '80s, feminists, the entertainment industry and thinking people who wanted to change a culture that mistreats women unwittingly worked together to start a revolution. The result is a raging social trend that...