by Vertical Thought
If you would like to dig more deeply into the case against evolution, here are a few book recommendations.
Bible Questions and Answers
Yes, God did indeed create man, but we should not pretend to know how. If we evolved from life's creation itself, does that deny the power of God? Man cannot create life from nonliving material, but the fossil, geological and biological...
by Ben Light
Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is widely accepted throughout the world. How did that theory develop, and is it true?
by Mario Seiglie
There are logical reasons apart from Scripture's direct testimony to reject the theory of evolution and accept creation and a Creator.
by Becky Sweat
Almost everywhere you turn, your children are being exposed to the "facts" of evolution rather than the flaws in the theory. What can you do to properly educate your kids? They need you to spell out the truth!
by John Ross Schroeder
A number of the world's mainstream religions have come to accept Darwinian evolution as the explanation for our existence. But does Darwinism really square with the Scriptures?
by Mario Seiglie
If you take biology classes, you will most likely be exposed to teachers who will falsely teach that evolution is how life came into existence. Don't let them do to you what they did to me.
by Bill Jahns
Ever since Darwin wrote his famous book on evolution, The Origin of Species, evolutionists have pointed to exam- ples they claim support the theory of evolution. But how good is that evidence?
Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?
by United Church of God
A word of caution on the use of the term evolution: It can mean different things to different people.
by Vertical Thought
Traditional evolutionary theory vs. The biblical account of creation. What can we really belief about fossils?
Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?
by United Church of God
If you would like to dig more deeply into the case against evolution, we recommend the following books, many written by people with science backgrounds.
by Randy Stiver
Biologists are struggling to understand the deadly E. coli breakout that killed dozens and sickened thousands in Germany. Many believe that we have a lesson to learn about evolution--but is it the right lesson?