United Church of God


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Total results: 22026.
United News
Aaron Booth
You can now read The Good News magazine on your iPad!
You can now read The Good News magazine on your iPad! A digital version of The Good News can now be dowloaded from the iPad App Store. The new app is available in the Newsstand category of the store. The Newsstand...
Beyond Today Magazine

It’s obvious that our world is plagued with serious problems.

World News and Prophecy
by Cecil Maranville, John Ross Schroeder
If you visit Time Magazine's Internet site, scan the main menu on the left side of the screen until you come to "Special Features." Click on "AIDS in Africa." A photo essay will appear, headlined by the starkly sobering graphic of a red...
Good News

In this issue, we take a deep look at the Easter traditions. Why are you keeping Easter? Is is something you've always done? Examine this issue of The Good News and open your Bible. You might be surprised.

Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Scott Ashley
Managing Editor Scott Ashley discusses articles in the latest issue of the Good News magazine.
Good News

In this issue we look at the coming war on God and how America is wrong.

United News
John LaBissoniere
Our special thanks to all the brethren involved in The Good News magazine and brochure distribution programs.
Our special thanks to all the brethren involved in The Good News magazine and brochure distribution programs. Even though a number of significant changes, in terms of reduced magazine quantities, have taken place recently, the...
United News
Victor Kubik
As we approach Pentecost this year, President Victor Kubik reflects on the first Pentecost service held by UCG and the beginning of this organization 25 years ago.
Pentecost 2020 for the United Church of God, an International Association, celebrates a historic landmark. On this Holy Day 25 years ago we held our first official church services throughout the United States and in many...
United News
Growing Good News circulation, lower shipping costs and faster delivery times were factors involved in a recent decision to begin printing Good News magazines for Southern Africa in that region.
Growing Good News circulation, lower shipping costs and faster delivery times were factors involved in a recent decision to begin printing Good News magazines for Southern Africa in that region. Beginning with the May/...
United News
John LaBissoniere
The number of English-language Good News magazines to be printed for the July/August 2007 issue at three locations around the world is as follows:
The number of English-language Good News magazines to be printed for the July/August 2007 issue at three locations around the world is as follows: Glasgow, Kentucky ............ 427,374 Eagle Farm, Australia .............
United News
United News
The May-June issue of the Gute Nachrichten (German Good News ) magazine is mailed to 4,071 readers in 20 European countries, a 2.8 percent increase over the previous issue.
The May-June issue of the Gute Nachrichten (German Good News ) magazine is mailed to 4,071 readers in 20 European countries, a 2.8 percent increase over the previous issue. For the first time, a "Readers ask, we...
United News
United News
The Summer 2007 issue of the Consumer Information Centre brochure included an offer to receive Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension and the May/June 2007 Good News.
The Summer 2007 issue of the Consumer Information Centre brochure included an offer to receive Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension and the May/June 2007 Good News. This issue features a number of family...
United News
United News
The May-June 2007 issue of the Gute Nachrichten (German Good News ) magazine was again mailed to a record number of subscribers.
The May-June 2007 issue of the Gute Nachrichten (German Good News ) magazine was again mailed to a record number of subscribers. The issue was sent to 4,647 readers in 20 European countries, a 14.5 percent increase...
