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United News
Randy Schreiber
In May 2014 the United Church of God began an educational initiative that is called, “UCG Youth Instruction Program—A Deuteronomy 6 Model.”
The Amplified Version of the Bible gives important directions regarding parent’s responsibility to their children:
Deuteronomy 6:6 {AMP} And these words which I am commanding you this day shall be [first] in your [...
Whether you're new to studying the Bible or are trying to move from occasional study to a regular habit, these Bible study tips will help keep you motivated.
I'd like to continue talking about the capabilities and features of the new website. It is full of useful, relevant and searchable information ready for your consumption!
Most people probably agree that we should be concerned about the conservation of our resources, pollution and the global environment. But disagreements over the causes, consequences and solutions for those problems often become intense. So...
Is the concept of environmentalism compatible with a Christian way of life?
A prophecy of an army 200-million strong could not have been fulfilled until recently. How else are population pressures playing a part in end-time prophecy?