by Darris McNeely
A recent book puts forth an intriguing idea that the ancient gods of the pagan world have returned to haunt our modern societies. Have the pagan deities returned? Or could it be something else, something most do not understand?
by Jerold Aust
History proves mankind doesn’t know true peace. Yet God promises it will come. How? A series of biblical festivals shows how He will bring permanent peace to the entire world.
by James Ginn
Though evil permeates our world, we look forward in hope—to a future day when evil will be gone at last!
by Scott Ashley
Our world is changing before our eyes in frightening ways. What’s behind the bizarre things we are seeing, and what can we do about them?
by Vertical Thought
The last book of the Bible is full of intriguing symbols and mysterious characters. Knowing who the actors are helps us understand the plot.
by Darris McNeely
Kingdoms, dynasties and empires, indeed all nations, eventually collapse and come to an end. Others arise to take their place, and they too fall. Yet the Bible reveals a coming Kingdom that will never end. And you can prepare now to be...
by Gary Antion
What is hell? An in-depth look at the true, biblical meaning of hell.
by Don Hooser
Coming soon—the spectacular and glorious return of our Savior returning as King of Kings to establish the Kingdom of God throughout the earth! Here are just five of the changes His rule will bring.