United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 113.
by Ryan Hall
North Canton, OH
We are not our own; we are part of something greater. We were bought for a very high price. This comes with a great responsibility. We are to bring glorify to God; to render ourselves as excellent. Are our desires focused on God? Lack of...
Beyond Today
by Robert H Berendt
Are you modest in the sight of God and man?
Vertical Thought
by Amanda Stiver
Young women, facing the extreme styles and immodest fashions available in stores, are increasingly turning to religious-based organizations to give them instruction in dressing modestly and locating modest clothing to purchase.
Vertical Thought
by Megan Brown
Wanting to look your best is part of our nature, and admittedly it makes us feel really good. But is there a balance between being modest and trendy?
Vertical Thought
by Colleen Winner
Does it really make any difference whether we are modest or not? Surprisingly to many, God's Word does give us guidelines on this important subject that work in the 21st century.
by Randy D'Alessandro
Ann Arbor, MI
This sermon outlines God's standards when it comes to modesty. In addition, extensive use of a survey completed by Christian young people is used to underscore the feelings of young men and women who truly desire to live modestly as God...
In this Teen Bible Study Guide, we will consider what God has to say on the subject of modesty and the types of clothes we wear.
United News
by United News
Gambling is becoming prevalent in the United States, Britain, Australia and other nations (see the excellent article, "The Growing Menace of Gambling" in the December 2004 World News and Prophecy).
by Roy Holladay
Chattanooga, TN
In this sermon Mr Holladay explains from the Bible how we should dress appropriately and conduct ourselves in a modest way before God and others. Romans 12:1-2
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Hello readers, In our hectic world, some precious attitudes seem lost.
Vertical Thought
by Felicia Villaescusa, Vivienne Villaescusa
Modesty—outward and inward—matters to God. Remember that no matter the circumstances, we are modeling a way of life.
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik, talks about the new studio and how it is coming along. He also mentions the ministerial trainee class on Modesty, an old Sabbath keeping friend from the Ukraine who came to visit, the...
Our 2017-2018 fiscal year is coming to an end on June 30. This is a good time to reflect on the past year and what we have accomplished through God's blessing, and also to consider what we can do better with God's direction and help. While...
United News
by Colleen Winner, Jim Servidio
Last issue we looked at the pervasiveness of immodest dress and the challenges this poses for those of us striving to live godly lives. This article identifies godly principles to consider in our clothing and appearance as Christians. A...
United News
by David Treybig, Kathy Giese, Zelda Hanisko
Realizing the immense cultural pressure our members face in our modern world, this article is being provided as an introduction in educating our membership on the subject of modesty in dress. This article will focus on the pervasiveness of...
