United Church of God


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Total results: 3799.
Vertical Thought
by Amanda Stiver
Witches and witchcraft has gained popularity through television and movies, but what does God say?
Vertical Thought
by Amanda Stiver
Witches and witchcraft has gained popularity through television and movies, but what does God say?
United News
by Gary Antion
In this third article in a series about what we can learn from family life, we consider the topic of communication.
by Micah Gunn
2024-03-14 to 2024-04-10
We respond to atheists who took issue with our last video, "How to Survive an Atheist Attack." What is the actual definition of atheism and "new atheism?" Should someone who's made to feel dumb in a discussion take that as a sign they're...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Once again trends in society have a powerful impact on our young people…
United News
Kingsley Mather
The work of the Church in Suriname (a country in northern South America that was formerly called Dutch Guiana) used to be administered by the Dutch office in Europe.
The work of the Church in Suriname (a country in northern South America that was formerly called Dutch Guiana) used to be administered by the Dutch office in Europe. About two years ago, Siegfried H. Hynes contacted the United...
United News
Victor Kubik
The NRB Christian Media Convention is the premier conference for Christian broadcasters, media pastors, program producers, film producers, webmasters, social media managers, bloggers, podcasters, authors, publishers and other...
Dallas, Texas—The week of June 21-25, members of the Beyond Today team traveled to the annual National Religious Broadcasters conference. Victor Kubik wrote the following: The NRB Christian Media Convention is the premier conference for...
United News
United News
Visit in Charlotte
United Church of God leaders accept invitation to visit Living Church of God Headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina, and extend a similar invitation to the leadership of the Living Church of God to visit Milford, Ohio. The...
United News
United News
This spring the United Church of God received a letter from an Iraqi national now living in Bonn, Germany, who offered to translate our booklet The Middle East in Bible Prophecy into Arabic.
Peter Eddington, from Media and Communications Services, asked Paul Kieffer, UCG pastor and coordinator in Germany, to contact the man and determine whether his offer was genuine. June 2 Mr. Kieffer met with the man. His English is...
United News
Brian Shaw
If you were asked to express the gospel of the Kingdom of God in just a few words, could you? If someone asked you to describe the Church of God in a short phrase, what would you say? Could you boil down God's Church and the message He has...
In the marketing discipline of branding, this is the kind of exercise that helps reveal what is known as a critical essence or brand essence—a short phrase that succinctly articulates the heart and soul of an organization. It...
United News
Peter Eddington
Beyond Today presenters recorded their first program in the newly renovated studio Feb. 3 and 4.
In anticipation of an April 2010 launch on several U.S. broadcast television stations, our Beyond Today television set received a very complimentary upgrade during January that covered several areas: • A new backdrop...
by Lorelei Nettles
The time we spend considering one another can change the way we treat each other when difficulties come.
United News

Welcome to the September-October 2023 issue of United News!

United News
United News
"The new page looks awesome. You guys (and gals) are at the top of your game! Thanks for all you do for the brethren!" A member in Columbia, Maryland, sent this comment after checking out the new members.ucg.org Web site.
So far there have been over 7,000 visitors (as of Nov. 28) to the members' Web site since it went live Nov. 1. The first four About Our Father's Business videos have been viewed over 8,500 times. "We are...
