United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 2239.
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Mothers don't ask for much, but they deserve the world!
by Cecil Maranville
Have you noticed the phrase, "food inflation" in news reports lately? It refers to a worldwide phenomenon of sharply increasing food prices, a trend that will mean less food for many and higher costs for all in 2008.
United News
by Howard Marchbanks
In mid-February, stock index reached a record high. Those with stock, bond and mutual fund accounts may be seeing values never seen.
Vertical Thought
by Amanda Stiver
British researchers at the University of Oxford analyzed the findings of 57 studies, revealing that those with a higher body mass index (BMI) lowered their life expectancy.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
What lesson can you learn from helping others that will help you overcome depression?
United News

Welcome to the September-October 2023 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the January-February 2023 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the March-April 2023 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the November-December 2022 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the September-October 2022 issue of United News!

by David Treybig
While unaware of the U.N.'s 60th anniversary last month, a growing number of people have become aware of the organization's weaknesses. But before dismissing the idea of the U.N., consider what the Bible says about the role of nations...
United News

Welcome to the July-August 2024 issue of United News!

United News

Welcome to the July-August 2022 issue of United News!

United News

This is the graduate issue of the United News! You will find bios of high school and college graduates in the PDF of the UN on pages 2, 9-12, and 19.

by Victor Hou
Redlands, CA
Ordinary or Un-ordinary What makes one special, or set apart for a special purpose? What is common among humanity and what is unique? Why is our calling special?
