United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 44344.
United News
Larry Salyer
Media operation manager shares vision for using the Internet to powerfully preach the good news of the Kingdom of God and begin building relationships with those who respond.
Real estate agents tell sellers that from the time a prospective buyer walks through the door, you have seven to 10 seconds to make a good first impression. We face the same kind of challenge in preaching the gospel of the Kingdom of God....
United News
Elizabeth Cannon
In this interview, Internet managing editor Aaron Booth explains the logic of sharing UCG Web content on the Internet and how you can make an impact in preaching the gospel.
Since July 2008, visitors to the UCG Web site used the "ShareThis" link to share our Web pages and articles in 704 e-mails, 233 Facebook posts, 118 MySpace posts and a slew of shares on sites such as Delicious, LinkedIn, Windows Live,...
United News
During the Council of Elders meetings of December 2003, discussions took place about future plans for a video production studio at the home office near Cincinnati, Ohio.
During the Council of Elders meetings of December 2003, discussions took place about future plans for a video production studio at the home office near Cincinnati, Ohio. You may have read about it in the Council reports, or in...
United News
Peter Eddington
During the Council of Elders meetings of December 2003, discussions took place about future plans for a video production studio at the home office near Cincinnati, Ohio.
During the Council of Elders meetings of December 2003, discussions took place about future plans for a video production studio at the home office near Cincinnati, Ohio. You may have read about it in the Council reports, or in...
United News
Larry Salyer
On Jan. 4, 2008, the United Church of God signed the closing documents on the new property in Texas.
This purchase is an important step in relocating the home office, a decision that was first discussed during the Council of Elders meeting in December 2006, brought forward as a proposal and approved by the Council in February 2007 and...
United News
Les BoothDarris McNeelyRobin Webber
Now with wnponline.org, World News and Prophecy has a threefold approach to help preach the gospel and prepare a people.
First came World News and Prophecy in printed form, then the weekend seminars (see sidebar, page 2). Now in 2005, a third phase has been launched with wnponline.org. During meetings in January with the managing editors of...
United News
by Jeremy Lallier
In this first article of “God’s Word Online,” we take a look at the many online resources available on the UCG members’ Web site, http://members.ucg.org.
United News
Larry Salyer
God has opened many doors for preaching the gospel over the years. The Internet may be the greatest door in history.
On the one hand our world seems on the verge of collapsing in on itself. And surely that time will come! Christ Himself said, "And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved [alive]" (Matthew 24: 22...
United News
Ariana Del Signore
Welcome to the United News—freshly redesigned in honor of the 25th anniversary of the United Church of God, an International Association!
There has been much discussion about the next 25 years in recent months here at the home office. In a September letter, Victor Kubik said he believes “the best years of the United Church of God still lie ahead.” He asked three major...
United News
Mike Bennett
Media personnel meet to assess the media efforts of the Church in order to improve their effectiveness.
Managing editors of several of United's larger publications, television program and Web sites gathered at the home office Jan. 24 and 25 to discuss ways to assess and improve the Church's media efforts to more effectively preach...
United News
Victor Kubik
In this update from the president, Victor Kubik focuses the work of the Church in the Scandinavian and Nordic countries, specifically Estonia. He includes an update from the senior pastor of that area, Johnnie Lambert, who reports methods...
God has been doing a Work in Eastern Europe and the Baltic republics before and throughout the history of the United Church of God. We held our first Feast of Tabernacles in Tartu, Estonia in 1997. Elder Johnnie Lambert and his wife, Hazel...
United News
Mike Bennett
One of the ways the readers of UCG literature and visitors to our Web sites are building a relationship with us is through our Facebook fan pages.
There has been exciting growth on all five of our fan pages. As of Dec. 9: The Good News fan page has 3,012 fans. The United Church of God fan page has 2,590 fans. The World News and Prophecy fan page has 1...
United News
by Sabrina Clore
Media intern Sabrina Clore sat down with four of the behind-the-scenes Beyond Today staff to discuss their role in preaching the gospel.
United News
Mike Bennett
The Church's plan for preaching the gospel includes developing volunteer writers and editors to help produce the new content necessary to reach people in the Internet age. Is this a way that you can serve?
Do you have an interest in sharing the gospel of the Kingdom of God and God's way of life through writing? Are you developing your skills with the written word? Do you like to share stories and Christian living tips? If so, there may be...
United News
by Will McLoughlin
How can the 21st-century Church preach the true gospel effectively?
