United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 1944.
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely, Don Hooser
World markets went into a near panic during the recent Thanksgiving weekend over news that Dubai World, a key subsidiary of the nation of Dubai, could default on $60 billion of debt. It appears that Dubai's oil-rich cousins in the Persian...
World News and Prophecy
by World News
In June, Iran elected Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to be its new president. Largely unknown outside Iran (reportedly, he has never even traveled outside the country), he's being called "an ultra-conservative."
United News
Steve Nutzman
Brethren from at least eight states and more than 15 congregations attended the series of four lectures that were held after Sabbath services.
The Beloit and Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin, congregations hosted a World News and Prophecy seminar on the Sabbath of Nov. 4 in Beloit. Brethren from at least eight states and more than 15 congregations attended the series of...
Darris McNeely
Successful World News and Prophecy seminars were held in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, on Dec. 3 and 4.
Successful World News and Prophecy seminars were held in Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona, on Dec. 3 and 4. New attendees in both locations were the highest of any previous seminar conducted by the staff. One WNP ...
World News and Prophecy
by Darris McNeely
This issue marks the 10th anniversary of World News and Prophecy. It is hard to believe that we have published 100 issues and that a decade has swept by.
World News and Prophecy
Compass Check

Welcome to our fall issue of Compass Check, written directly with you as a teen in mind. This is our sixth issue. In this issue we will cover God's Fall Festivals and how He reveals His love through these days.

World News and Prophecy
by Fred Nance, John Ross Schroeder
Americans appear to be very edgy these days. According to a Gallup Poll sponsored by USA Today, "Almost three-fourths of them...don't like the way things are going in the country. Given economic deprivation and political division, plus war...
