United Church of God


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Total results: 3200.
United News
United News
On www.ucg.org
On www.ucg.org Compass Check See video of home office weekly meeting. www.ucg.org/about/homeoffice/compasscheck.htm UCG Commentary on This Week's News Weekly commentaries by UCG...
United News
United News
updates on our different websites.
On www.ucg.org Compass Check See video of home office weekly meeting. www.ucg.org/about/homeoffice/compasscheck.htm UCG Commentary on This Week's News Weekly commentaries by UCG...
by Joe Horchak
El Paso, TX
Have you ever asked yourself, What is the purpose of my life as a Christian? We are going to address that question in today's sermon and hopefully answer it!
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
Which way of life is the true religion? The true religion should bring out the best in us and remove the worst in us. Developing a right attitude toward the laws of righteous living, given to us through God's Word, directs us into the...
by Stan Martin
Huntsville, AL
Why do you go to church. What is the purpose of religion? Is it to make you feel good? The purpose of religion is to make you change.
by Tim Martens
Northwest Arkansas
In our modern world, our relationships with anything from product containers to people have become much more disposable than as few as 100 years ago. In this throwaway society, it might be very easy to treat our relationship with God...
by Kathy Sanny
Are you trained to spot a counterfeit religion?
by Robert Dick
Seattle, WA
The book of Hebrews is aimed at Jewish (Hebrew) members of the Church who are seemingly being pressured to return to their original beliefs. It is an elegant "sales pitch" and the most important thing it is selling is the superiority of...
United News
Chris Rowland
We all know people who do not attend the United Church of God and have different religious beliefs. Have you ever talked with them about the Bible or about their beliefs?
I teach a class at Ambassador Bible College called Comparative Religion which meets for one hour each week throughout the year. The first semester focuses on non-Christian religions; the second semester covers many of the Christian...
Beyond Today Magazine
by John LaBissoniere
Organized Christianity is in significant decline. Church attendance is plummeting and many people are shedding religion altogether. Why is this happening? The underlying cause principally involves vital biblical values that have been...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The number of people that claim "no religion" continues to grow in the U.S. It's an upsetting trend, but we can't allow it to impact our own faith.
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Scripture foretells two coming international governments. One is of satanic origin to be ousted by Jesus Christ’s perfect rule.
by Ken Loucks
Portland, OR
This is the final message of this 3 part series. We find out the real story behind the Religion of the Jews.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Gary Petty
Paganism is inclusive. True Christianity, once called the Way, is not. Its original followers passionately rejected the concepts and practices of religions not based on the Bible. What does that mean for you?
Vertical Thought
by Randy Stiver
What is the attraction of atheism, and why has is become so evangelistic? Are we missing something, or is the atheist philosophy missing something?
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Satan the devil strongly influences religion by making his corrupt teachings seem correct. Don’t be deceived.
