United Church of God


Search results

Total results: 51830.
Compass Check
by Wil B Brubacher
The greatest treasure we could ever find is the Kingdom of God. How are we searching for that treasure every single day? What does that look like?
by Lewis VanAusdle
Hartford, CT
Mankind has a tendency of seeking for wisdom in dark places. True wisdom comes from God.
by Gary Antion
Cincinnati East, OH
It can take weeks to remove the leaven from our homes. We search high and low because we understand it represents sin. We want to get rid of it all. What about the hidden leaven that you can't remove or you miss?
by John May
Chicago, IL
Today, we will look at three ways in which we as Christians must fulfill the role of Searchers. We will also see that God, Himself is actively involved as a Searcher. We must dedicate ourselves to searching for wisdom and understanding. We...
Good News
by Gary Petty
The Bible talks about conversion, but what does it mean? Do you really know? It's crucial that you accurately understand what the Bible teaches!
Beyond Today
by Gary Petty
Conversion is God's metamorphosis of our minds, emotions, motivations, desires and actions from the way of the natural person.
by Peter Eddington
Cincinnati East, OH
We're going to look at the "rest of the story" of Nineveh and take a close look at the Book of Nahum. What can we learn from Nahum's message to Nineveh? Does it have an end-time significance? Is it relevant for us today? Does it have an...
by David Mills
Central Georgia
In preparation for Passover, me must pray that God searches our heart for sin.
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley
Isaiah 55:6-7 tells us: “Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him . . .” Seek mercy...
by Luis Andrade
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Luis De Andrade Date: 5/18/24 Words are the building blocks of thought. Though is the building block of our beings. Cultivating the right thoughts is an imperative on the narrow Way that leads to the accomplishment of the...
This Is The Way
by United Church of God
Do we make a point to search for the positives in life every day?
Bible Questions and Answers
by United Church of God
The Bible clearly states that Jesus Christ did not sin. But during His physical life as a man on earth, could He have sinned?
United News
As we wrap up our final week of purging out leaven from our homes, let’s consider how we might seek after God's righteousness.
From the Chairman and President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, We are headed into what will be a spiritually meaningful and rewarding week for all of us. Next week members will observe the Passover, as the...
by Troy Phelps
Petaluma, CA
Speaker: Troy Phelps Date: 4/23/23 Before Abraham ever had a child, the Eternal foretold that not only would He give Abraham many decedents, but that they would go into slavery before God would intervene on their behavior and bring...
by Richard Kennebeck
St. George, Utah 2022
God has put eternity in the heart of humans, and holds the key to getting there. Man has tried to on his own to establish a utopian society without success. This sermon follows the life of one family as they work to have the good life...
