United Church of God


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Total results: 7510.
by Tim Franke
Nashville, TN
Matthew 24:3-5 2 Peter 2:1-3 In the Olivet Prophecy, the very first thing that Jesus warned would be prevalent in the end of the age before He returns is false teaching.  He said that many would come pretending to be representatives...
Beyond Today Television Program
by Steve Myers
Jesus foretold that religious impostors would come in His name. Are you taking His warning seriously?
Beyond Today
by Steven Britt
The Devil has invaded professing Christian churches on a dramatic scale unbeknownst to their multitude of followers.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Jude's letter provides warning and instruction about handling false teachings that are prophesied to infiltrate the Church. We can detect the false from the true by comparing it with the written word... and by the behavior it produces.
by Mario Seiglie
Orange County, CA
What can be expected in the future, in the shadow of things to come? We can be prepared if we listen to the lessons given in God's Word, the Bible.
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Just because something makes us feel good doesn't mean that it is in our best interest spiritually. We must watch out for false teachers speaking sweet words.
Who Is the Antichrist?
by United Church of God
With the historical background in mind, and the prophecies made by Daniel and Jesus pointing to a future time that will signal the Great Tribulation, need we be concerned about the Antichrist only in terms of the coming Beast and False...
by Nicholas Bizic
Many in the Western world view religion as passé, old-fashioned and irrelevant to modern life. Ironically, the Bible also tells of a time when there will be a famine of the knowledge of God.
The Church Jesus Built
by United Church of God
Christ gave an ominous warning—that many would come in His name, teaching a different message that would deceive many. They would create a counterfeit of true Christianity, starting a religion that would largely supplant the true Church.
by Craig Scott
Greensboro, NC
Throughout his letter Jude warns the Church about some people who were part of the Church but were teaching and promoting false ideas that had the potential to lead a lot of people astray. Previously we looked at how to combat their false...
by Chuck Smith
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
The Bible warns us of false teachers! Peter, Paul and others warned us of "wolves in sheep's clothing." We must learn to recognize the attributes of true, authentic teachers versus false teachers.
Is There Really a Devil?
by United Church of God
If you could see and meet the devil face to face, what would he look like? He is commonly depicted as a cartoon character in a red suit with a pitchfork or as a hideous-looking ghoul.
by David Horvath
Nashville, TN
The first of a series of sermons examining the biblical passages on false teachers. This message delves into passages that describe false teachers to help recognize those patterns today.
