America The Time Is Now: Dayton, OH

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America The Time Is Now

Dayton, OH

Sunday, August 21, 2016 - 3:00pm to 4:30pm EDT

I want to invite you to an exciting event. Beyond Today, the television program sponsored by the United Church of God, is coming to a city near you for a one-day presentation: America: The Time Is Now!

We have a vital message to help you make sense of the monumental changes in today’s world. The United States Supreme Court has ruled that same-sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. What will this mean to the next generations? For those of us with children and grandchildren, we may well ask: What kind of world will our children inherit? Beyond this one ruling we see many other signs of cultural change that makes us wonder what the future holds. Will there be a world to inherit?

Then there is increasing and dangerous political unrest. The Middle East is in crisis. Europe is increasing its role as a world power to counter what is happening in the Middle East and from Russia. At the same time, America, the world’s leading power and long-standing bastion of liberty and freedom, is losing share in global leadership.

This is a sobering time! But God has a message for you to help you understand, cope and survive these times. We need to seriously consider what God has to say.

God is not absent from this world. He is the God of history. He directs great events that will culminate in His purpose and plan for humankind. God has a purpose for your life, and you can understand what that great purpose is.

We invite you to come and hear a presentation given by our three Beyond Today television presenters, Steve Myers, Darris McNeely and Gary Petty. As we do each week on Beyond Today, we will give you a message of understanding and hope from the Bible. More than anything else you need to understand what God is saying in His Word as well as what He is doing. We will help you make sense of the often confusing and chaotic conditions of life.

Our one-day event, America: The Time Is Now! will be coming to Dayton, Ohio on August 21, 2016. There is no admission cost. We encourage you to get your tickets and also bring a family member or friend with you. Beyond Today is a message of understanding and hope.

We look forward to meeting you.

Victor Kubik
President, United Church of God


Crowne Plaza Dayton
33 E. Fifth Street
Dayton, OH 45402
United States