Attitude, Perspective, and God's Commandments

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Attitude, Perspective, and God's Commandments

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Modern psychology has shown that our attitude can influence our perception of events, places, people and their motives--everything we experience! Our attitude is generally outside of our control and shaped by our prior interactions, unless we are keenly aware of our own prejudices and make a conscious effort to free ourselves from them.

For example, if your mind is already made up against organized religion because of a past experience, then you're not likely to give it another try. But even beyond that, you become prone to view every problem that an organization has as further proof of your view. If you have a poor opinion of someone because of how they have treated you, you're not likely to view even the good things they do favorably. What is your attitude towards the Bible? Most Christians hold the Bible on high footing--at least the New Testament. But what is your attitude towards the first five books of the Bible that contain God's law?

Consciously changing our attitude can lead us to appreciate what we would otherwise disregard. "Shadow art" is a powerful physical demonstration of this phenomenon. An artist carefully crafts what appears to be no more than a pile of random junk. But then, by placing a light source in just the right position, an incredible work of art is revealed by the shadow as the light shines through! Many Christians view the law of God in much the same way - as a meaningless collection of requirements without purpose for the New Covenant believer. With such a perspective already ingrained, it's easy to fall prey to a negative attitude towards the Old Covenant and the Law of God as a whole. From that point, everything one reads in the New Testament about God's law is not seen in the proper light and the meaning becomes distorted or lost to that person. Unfortunately, this has led millions of Christians to a skewed assessment of the role of God's law in the New Covenant which states that it is done away and no longer applies to them.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path (Psalm 119:105).

By altering our perspective, we begin to see more clearly. If you approach organized religion with an attitude that says, "maybe this can work!" you might be inclined to see the great good it can bring to your life rather than harp on its every shortcoming. If you can put aside your past grievances with another person and give them a clean slate--even as God does for us--you can start to rebuild your relationship with them and appreciate them for who they are. Likewise, if you will view the law of God ascarefully crafted, given for our good,rather than arbitrarily assigned or burdensome, then you will begin to see something very different than you ever have before! You will see that God, with the same incredible wonder by which He created the entire earth, established an enduring moral code which points us towards Jesus Christ in every aspect--if only we know where to shine the light!

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