United Church of God

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by Jim Tuck
  • by Becky Sweat
Modern society often prioritizes wealth, power and pleasure, leading to emptiness and frustration. Biblical virtues like meekness, patience, mercy, humility, modesty and trust in God offer true fulfillment. Though countercultural, these values bring lasting peace and happiness, aligning us with God's purpose and positively influencing others.
  • by Becky Sweat
Probably most of us have expressed these kinds of frustrations. We live in a crazy busy, fast-paced world, and often have a lot of demands on our time. However, our time is a finite resource. Here are five time management principles derived from the Bible.
  • by Becky Sweat
Satan has an agenda and if you are trying to live by biblical principles he views you as a threat. He will do whatever he can to wear you down, steer you away from God and lead you to destruction. If you are aware of what Satan wants and how he operates, you can know how to respond to his tactics and be better equipped to combat them.
  • by Robert Curry
The Amish remember the tragic day as “the Happening.” Corrie Ten Boom shares her dilemma about the day one of her Nazi prison guards asked for her forgiveness. God is “ready to forgive” and the Bible demands forgiveness.
  • by Kathy Sanny
Has our worship of God become more superstition than a practice of honoring the King of Kings and Lord of Lords?
  • by Kathy Sanny
Do you respect your husband? Women, we are required to cultivate a gentle and quiet spirit, toward our husbands especially!
  • by Becky Sweat
In today’s society, many people do not just “value” science. They basically idolize science, seeing it as the solution to all the world’s problems and the final authority on literally everything that is taught, said or done.
  • by Kathy Sanny
There is no substitute for God's unending law of love.