The Cares of the World

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The Cares of the World

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I will be giving a Bible study during the Feast of Tabernacles on the history of the true Church.  In reviewing my notes, it is interesting to be reminded of when a part of the true Church ceased to be a part of the true Church.  A common thread down through history is that when the Church became entangled in cares of the world, then compromises began to be made which eventually then lead to rejection of core elements of God’s law and/or teaching.

Christ cautioned His people about this in the Parable of the Sower – “Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who hear the word, and the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful,” (Mark 4:18-19, NKJV).  Christ again warned His people to be watching and to not let the pleasures (or problems) of this life lull us into not paying attention to the urgency of our calling (Luke 21:34).

I have been considering “the cares of this world” in light of all of the news coverage of the recent political conventions and upcoming elections here in the U.S.  Many in the world think that if we can just elect the right person or party into office we can solve our problems.  Talk radio is filled with opinions of what should be done to fix the problems of this nation or world.  It saddens me to see and know of Church members who think we should be promoting voting as a Church to influence the politics of this world, or going off to war to protect this country or thinking that if we were involved in whatever the cause is that we could change things in this world for the better.  This world cannot fix itself – and even if we had the most positive effect possible being involved in politics or other matters, we would only slow down the inevitable collapse (Matthew 24:22).

God’s Church is to be focused first and foremost on His coming Kingdom (Matthew 6:33) and preaching His Gospel message (Mark 16:15).  We are to be watching world events (Luke 21:36) so that we see the day of Christ return approaching (Hebrews 10:25) and make sure (with God’s help) that we are grounded in His truth so we are not distracted by the cares of this world.  This is not always easy.  In looking at the history of God’s Church, there were times of great persecution, times of great trials, times when the Church needed to move because Satan had so “poisoned the well” that the only choice was to go somewhere else and start over. 

I marvel at the sacrifice of the Church members who remained faithful to God’s Word during those situations.  I also wonder if the lack of growth in the Church is a result of those still in the world being consumed by those very same cares of the world – this world is all they know and they see no reason to consider a better future.  The onus is on us to refuse to grow complacent as the five foolish virgins did (Matthew 25:1-13) and lose out in the end.

We have four wonderful Holy Days of God coming up in the next month.  I encourage you to make the most of this concentrated time of coming before God.  Pay attention to and put into practice the messages God is providing.  Encourage one another in the trials we face. Pray for each other and for God’s Kingdom to come soon.

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  • staying faithful

    At Sabbath services, one would think that people would like to talk about God. We can see from the world events. that what Mr. HWA taught and wrote about so many years ago is very relevant today. But, unfortunately, many people rather discuss their weekly activities, etc. instead of discussing the most important thing: GOD.

    I have often gone home and cried and told God that how sad it is that the one place where we should be able to talk about Him, people want to talk about everything else but Him.

    Times are changing very quickly, especially in the event of what happened in Libya and Egypt this week. This is only going to intensify and eventually lead to the issues talked about in Daniel and Revelation, to mention just 2 books of the Bible about prophecy.

    We must, as a Church, be as one. Difficult times lay ahead and if we in the Church cannot or rather not discuss what is happening, we are in very sad condition.

    I do NOT agree with voting in the world. It is up to God who is in charge of the different countries to select the leaders He wants in office. Let those in the world make those decisions. But we members of God's True Church are told to 'watch' what is happening and be prepared (spiritually, mentally and emotional). We need to be able to help each other as we not only face our daily trials and tests but really be there as things get worse for us.

    We need each other. Let us never forget that. Are we letting the cares of the world keep us from the most important thing: staying close to God and our fellow Church members?

    Staying Faithful
    Have a Wonderful Sabbath and Holy Days!! Safe journeys to all as we travel to the various Feast Sites.

    Will be very fortunate to be attending the FOT in Wisconsin Dells this year. Will be looking forward to the Bible Study that Mr. Dowd is giving.

  • KARS

    Thanks Mr. Dowd.
    Once again I was reminded of something of the past. A decision that I made was right according to the Word of God; the Holy Bible. Just like Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong of the past; I had a one on one with God our Father and He corrected and taught me well.
    As long as we remain with Him in daily repentance, prayer, bible study and an occasional fast, etc. we will prevail and learn the lessons He is trying to teach us. We must have a humble willing heart of our own to achieve this. We can't use the humility of someone else.
    It is a personel one on one growth for grace, knowlegde, understand and peace of mind.
    Even though that past remembrance (brought back to mind) hurts me when I am tired and weak; God our Father is number one always and He will see me through. I know where to go for strenght and endurance in this world and He is only a prayer away. And I will not turn around and go back to Egypt.

    Have a good Feast of Tabernacles Mr. Dowd. It will be wonderful to serve our Father and His Only Begotten Son Jesus Christ our Lord. This year again our family will be serving at the F.O.T. 2012


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