Trapped by Temptation

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Trapped by Temptation

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There was a 14th-century duke whose brother revolted against him. Instead of killing him, the duke built a room around him with an unlocked door and open windows. He promised to give his brother back his title and all his property as soon as he could leave the room.

What was the problem? The brother’s nickname was “Crassus,” which in Latin means “fat.” If he was to be free, he needed to lose weight.

But every day the duke sent a huge variety of delectable foods. So instead of dieting his way out, he grew even bigger! He stayed in that room for 10 years—a prisoner of his own appetite!

Often we, too, remain trapped by our own temptation. But you can rise above the walls that surround you. Life works better when you choose right, so that the truth will set you free.

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