Turning Points

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Turning Points

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History is full of important turning points that made the difference between success and failure. Knowing how to recognize and seize these moment can be a turning point in our lives.

Turning points can be negative or positive. A negative turning point could be the first time a young person takes an addictive drug. A positive turning point could be when a young person flees from bad friends or influences or perhaps when he or she first opens the Bible.

A positive turning point is the time to dare. David the shepherd boy understood turning points. With God’s help he took the dare to battle Goliath, and this turning point changed David’s life and saved Israel (1 Samuel 17:34-51). David did not plan this event, but he was ready for it. However, taking the opportunity to commit adultery with Bathsheba also changed his life—but in a very bad way.

Keep a close lookout for positive turning points, those of value, and seize them. Your life can become richer and fuller than you imagined.

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