United Church of God


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Total results: 22147.
United News
Peter EddingtonTom Robinson
Begin your study of the Book of Ecclesiastes using the Church's Bible Reading Program, and complete it before the Feast of Tabernacles.
[July 11, 2018] We are pleased to announce that the Book of Ecclesiastes has been completed and is now available in the Church’s Bible Reading Program/Commentary. We are sorry for the extensive delay, but now the Old Testament is...
United News
Tom Robinson
An internet based Bible Ready Program launched
One reader commented: "Thank you for the new program of study. I have just downloaded a copy of the February studies, printed it and am getting ready to head for Office Max to start making copies. One copy will be conveniently...
United News
United News
UCG's Bible Commentary (formerly called the Bible Reading Program) now has a new interface and graphic layout—making it much easier to search and read.
UCG's Bible Commentary (formerly called the Bible Reading Program) now has a new interface and graphic layout—making it much easier to search and read. The New Testament is slowly being worked on. This resource is a valuable tool to use...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers
Another important key to understanding the Bible is to read the book from cover to cover. 
United News

Welcome to the May-June 2023 issue of United News!

United News
Read updates from MMS, Ambassador Bible College and more!
ABC Continuing Education Program 2024 The Ambassador Bible College Continuing Education program has been taking place at the home office this week. There were 37 students who came from variety of states and Canada to participate in five...
Beyond Today
by , Mike Bennett
Dozens of tools to help you understand more about God’s Word, the Holy Bible, are readily available through the Internet. They are invaluable, but they are free!
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers, Darris McNeely
What's better? The movie or the book?
United News
Gary Jacques
Celebrating her 95th birthday as she begins her 9th reading of the Bible
The New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont brethren honored Ethel McMullen when she reached 95 years old. She shared some of her experiences with us. One of her important accomplishments is reading the entire Bible from cover...
Jean Updegraff
Recently I began surfing through our UCG Web site and was absolutely amazed at what treasures it offers!
Recently I began surfing through our UCG Web site and was absolutely amazed at what treasures it offers! Let me share what I found sleuthing through our ucg.org Web site. Do you realize that our publications are available online?...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
2015-03-19 to 2015-03-18
Getting a new perspective helps us better understand the Bible.
