United Church of God

September 17, 2024 - Bangladesh UPDATE

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

September 17, 2024 - Bangladesh UPDATE

September 17, 2024
"Words cannot express their appreciation for your (that means all of us!) love and prayers for them. Our Bangladesh brethren have endured multiple attacks and persecutions from their Hindu neighbors as well as Christians in the nearby city.  They’ve been overwhelmed and strengthened to know they are not alone.  They see God’s spirit moving brethren across the world to show them such kindness. They are encouraged to know of your many acts of kindness although you’ve never met them. They praise God continually for His guidance."
— Southwest Regional Pastor Robin Webber

December 13, 2023 - Prayer Request Update - Bangladesh Persecution
From David Schreiber, senior pastor, Bangladesh:

It is now quiet in the village of Bangladesh where violence broke out. The police are still parked in the village and 5 officers are now on duty to assure peace continues. There is a 5-day Hindu festival going on and many Hindus are coming to the village. The members and prospective members are requesting our prayers for their safety during this Hindu festival. 

Those who have been injured are slowly recovering. Torun, the 45 year old gentleman who was badly beaten is feeling better. He still has back and shoulder pain but the swelling has gone down. Because of the unrest he had to leave the village and his father and two brothers who are Hindu, forced him out of his home which is located on family property. He has tried to contact his father but his father will not take his calls. Torun had to leave his farming job in the village and is now staying about 3 hours away with his wife’s family. He is asking for prayers that he’ll be able to get a job in the local area where he now resides. He also is requesting our prayers that God would soften the hearts of his father and two brothers and that he be allowed to return to his home village.  

Here is an update on Santi who is the 60 year old father-in-law of our member Manik Biswas Balaam. Santi was also beaten during the uprising and still has pain in his backbone and cannot stand properly. He is planning to seek medical advice on Wednesday. Santi and another prospective member (Michael) have grocery shops and have tried to open their shops but no one has come. They have boarded up the shops as the local police have suggested their shops remain closed until things further settle down.  

The local police are staying in close proximity to assure there are no further disturbances. The police told Manik they will stay close by until January 10th.  

Manik is anxious to construct the well in the village as they remain hopeful that the community well will promote goodwill among their Hindu and Muslim neighbors. This deep well will be a blessing for everyone in the village as during the upcoming dry season most wells run dry.  

After the well is built, the local police are recommending a wall be built around the UCG church property and the small UCG church graveyard. We hope to build a church building in the future, however the police feel the wall needs to be built first.  

Thank you for your prayers for God’s protection of His people, for complete healing of those who have been hurt, and to bring peace to the village. Please also pray for God’s guidance, direction and blessing on the well project and the building of the walls around the church properties. As in all things, we seek God’s will to be done. To God be the glory. 

Good Works is accepting donations to assist with the well project and the construction of walls surrounding the church properties. You can make a donation to the Good Works - Bangladesh Well and Building Fund at: (https://www.ucg.org/members/outreach/good-works). Thank you!

December 8, 2023
From David Schreiber, senior pastor, Bangladesh:

Thank you for your prayers for God’s guidance and protection for our members and prospective members in Bangladesh.  

Some of you have asked for an update regarding those who were injured. 

There were four who were hit with fists and beaten with sticks. One 60 year old man, the father-in-law of our member Manik Biswas, was hit on the back side and is in bed with pain and swelling. He is also a shop keeper who is not able to open the shop due to his injuries and the unrest in the village at this time.  

Another man (Torun Biswas, age 45) was beaten badly on his chest and arms. I’m told his whole body is in pain. He has had to move from the village and is staying at the home of his wife’s family, recovering and now resting. His wife who stepped out to defend her husband was hit and then pushed aside and thrown to the ground. She is doing ok and healing. Their 20-year old son also went out to try to stop the mob and protect his father, he too was beaten.  

Also, at this time a cyclone has gone through the area and rain continues to pour. In this village they are presently without electricity.  

Manik Biswas asked me to pass on to our UCG church family thanks for your prayers and emails which he said has helped them to be strong. Manik said they have been greatly encouraged to know we are with them even though we are thousands of miles away.  

If you’d like to make a donations for the upcoming Bangladesh well project and assistance to the families who have been injured, a donation can be sent to the “UCG Good Works fund”.  

Thanks for your continued prayers that God would resolve the conflict, protect His people from further harm and bring peace to this village.