United Church of God

Bible Class Series for S.W. Region Members: "What Saith the Scriptures" - Robin Webber

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Bible Class Series for S.W. Region Members: "What Saith the Scriptures" - Robin Webber

I am inviting all members to participate in a Bible Class Series (4 classes every other week) entitled, "What Saith the Scriptures".  

Mr. Steve Myers, Ministerial & Members Operation Manager, has granted permission for this to be shared in our region. It may one day be part of an overall educational package to our ministry--but for now--it is offered to you!

I previously gave this to all our pastors, elders, deacons & speakers in our S.W. region at the end of 2022-2023 under the title of "Knock Before You Enter". Those who previously partook of the class are welcome to take part again. I'm looking forward to sharing this with all of you as my fellow brethren, as well as being a personal refresher course for myself.

To use a fancy Greek word--it is a class on Hermeneutics--which are standard methodologies and insights of interpreting Scripture designed to safeguard and guide our studies so "we can present ourselves approved to God with no need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the the word of truth" (2 Tim. 2:15).  While it is God, alone, who opens our eyes to His truths (1 Corinthians 2:9), we also have our role in properly interpreting and applying His message which has miraculously come down to us through the ages.

Scripture which is "God-breathed" (2 Timothy 3:16-17: ESV, NIV) in a sense is like "God's home", and while existing between the framework of two covers--it has many separate rooms of discovery which lead us to God's ultimate seamless purpose  towards His special creation made in His image--to become one with Him. Thus with this mosaic of many rooms written initially to real people in real time over nearly 3,700 years--we need to knowingly and respectfully "knock before we enter" and appreciate how books and sections of Scripture are to be understood. 

I hope and pray you will find this series illuminating for your personal studies as a disciple of Jesus Christ.  It will be given in class structure and I will take "time-outs" for questions and comments. Also, at the same time there will be additional side-bars of info and handouts that will be sent to you to create your own library.   We will have some serious studies, and also smiles and some laughs along the way. I think, by taking this course, it will truly enhance your desire and ability to embrace the Scriptures in an expanded and exciting way.  

Bible Class Schedule: July 10  (Wednesday at 7:00-8:30 p.m. Pacific Coast, Daylight Savings Time)

  • 90 minute classes
  • A zoom link is below. Scroll down. 

Welcome on board!  May God bless and keep each of you,
~Robin Webber
Southwest Regional Pastor & fellow disciple with you on "The Journey" 

*ZOOM LINK/ below

Date/Time:   *July 10th (*Wednesday) 07:00 PM Pacific Coast Time
Every 2 weeks on Wednesday / 4 occurrences

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