United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for August 31, 2024

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for August 31, 2024



Announcement Bulletin for August 31, 2024


North Canton Announcements:

  1. Service Times:
  • August 31st – 2:00 PM
  • September 7th – 2:00 PM

Current Prayer Requests:

  1. Estachia Rodgers: The Rodgers family requests your prayers for Estachia Roberts. Estachia has been in the hospital for several days now. She was moved out of the ICU yesterday. They believe Estachia is suffering from a heart condition, but have yet to determine exactly what the issue is. They hope to control the issue with a blend of medications, but are doing scans to investigate the possibility of blockages. The Rodgers are very grateful for your prayers and encouragement.
  2. Marlene Ware (Update): Marlene continues to struggle physically with MS. Today her left hand continually was contracting, which was very distressing to her. She was trying constantly to open her fist, and even when successful, her hand closed up shortly after. Your prayers for God’s mercy and intervention for her are very appreciated.

Recent Prayer Requests:

  1. Bonnie Anderson (Update): Bonnie is doing fairly well. Her doctor told her the bone is healing nicely, but he decided she should have a cast on her wrist into September (which was not what her or Chuck were hoping for). Bonnie is dealing with a good amount of pain in the evenings, so she would be grateful for your prayers on that note. She’s grateful for all the encouragement she’s received!
  2. Makenna Evans (Update): This message from Adam & Jordan Evans: “We had our appointment at maternal fetal medicine and Makenna’s kidneys are measuring big but at this moment there’s nothing concerning about it other than size! And with that we will just have one ore ultrasound to check up before birth and set up a plan with urology for after birth plans. Other than that, she looks perfect! Measuring right on time size wise! Thank you so much for all the prayers we are so thankful that as of right now everything is looking good.”
  3. Freeman & Debbie Kuhns (Update): Freeman and Debbie are hanging in there. They appreciate very much the prayers and thoughts. Let’s please continue the prayers for them.
  4. Victoria Banit: Victoria came through her surgery as well as was expected.  She and her husband are now in a rehab facility close to their home. Please pray her recovery from her surgery and broken ankle. As she put it, “I would like prayer for ‘just everything’!”  She appreciates it and thanks you!

2904 Cliffside Dr., Copley, OH 44321-2202

  1. Karen Smith: Overall, Karen is getting more relief from the pain and swelling is down. She has transitioned to eating pureed food which is helping her to get more calories and nutrients. Your continued prayers are appreciated for her as she heals up, as the surgery recovery (including the bone structure) is expected to take around 6 months.

Local Announcements:

  1. Bible Study Box: Before too long, we will begin a regular Bible Study. There is a small box with a sign stating “Bible Study Ideas”. If you’d like to contribute ideas for topics, or even suggested formats/times, it would be great to have your input! You can contribute anonymously if you like.
  2. North Canton Directory Update: Our North Canton Directory will be receiving an update in the near future. Please send along any information that you’d like updated to stephen_bouchette@ucg.org. Thank you for the updates sent in so far!  
  3. Festival Assistance: If you have been faithfully saving your festival tithe, but anticipate that you will not enough funds to attend the Feast this year, we will be happy to help where we can. If you think you will need additional funds, please contact your Festival Advisor or your pastor to get a Festival Assistance Member Information Form. Fill out the form and return it as soon as possible. (All information on the form will be treated as confidential.) The home office has asked us to have all assistance applications turned in by the end of June, so please pick up the form and return it to us as quickly as possible. Again, festival financial assistance is available for those who do not have adequate funds to attend the Feast even though they have faithfully saved their festival tithe, or their income is too limited for them to save adequate funds to attend.
  4. Portsmouth Women’s Enrichment Weekend: The Portsmouth, Ohio Women's Enrichment Weekend will be held September 6-8, 2024.  (The registration deadline was July 15th.) 
  5. Feast of Trumpets, Thursday, October 3rd: Feast of Trumpets Church Services for North Canton and Cleveland will be held at the Uniontown Community Park:

3696 Apollo Street NW, Uniontown, OH 44685

Further details will be provided at a later date.

Bible Trivia:

    1. Which two (out of twelve) spies showed courage? (Hint: Numbers 14)
    2. Which King conquered Jerusalem during Daniel’s early life? (Hint: Daniel 1)
    3. Who did Jesus say the sinner was when he healed the blind man in John 9? (Hint: verse 3)