United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for July 13, 2024

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A Congregation of the United Church of God

Announcement Bulletin for July 13, 2024



Announcement Bulletin for July 13, 2024


For the Youth - Bible Trivia:

1. What type of famine did Amos prophecy would come upon the land?
*Hint: Amos 8:11-12

2.What does Paul say will corrupts good habits?
*Hint: 1 Corinthians 15:33

3. What did Elisha instruct Naaman to do in order to be healed from his leprosy?
*Hint: 2 Kings 5:1-15


  1. North Canton Service Times:
  • July 13th - 11:00 AM
  • July 20th - 2:00 PM
  1. Youngstown Service Times:
  • July 13th - 11:00 PM - (Webcast from North Canton)
  • July 20th - 2:00 PM
  1. Sabbath of July 13th: (Change of Pastor): This will be the Hall’s last sabbath as well as the Bouchette’s first sabbath in North Canton. Services will be at 11:00 AM and a potluck will follow services.
  2. Marlene Ware: Marlene’s condition continues to decline. It has been decided by the doctors and family to place Marlene on hospice care. The family is requesting prayers for Marlene’s comfort and peace during this time.
  3. Karen Smith: Matt reports that Karen's jaw surgery went very well and she is now home recuperating. She is beginning to experience more pain and swelling today (Friday). They are requesting for prayers to continue for our Fathers healing and comfort, that the bones would heal properly and quickly, for the pain and swelling to be minimal, and protection from infection. Also, she is on a liquid diet for two weeks because her mouth is banded shut, pray that she is able to get enough calorie intake to not lose more than expected weight. We have a follow up appointment with the surgeon on Monday.
  4. Freeman Kuhns:
  5. Food Pantry: Donations for the North Canton Food Pantry will be collected on July 20th. Please check the information table for the list. Note: Please pay close attention to the highlighted items.
  6. Youngstown Annual Summer Picknick: Sunday July 14 at the home of Dan & Jackie Stewart. Please see sign-up list to see what we may need.
  7. Youngstown Potluck: Our next potluck is scheduled for the sabbath of July 20th.
  8. Keim/Zimmerman Wedding Shower: Save the date of Saturday, August 10th, to celebrate Zach Zimmerman and Leah Keim’s engagement! The wedding shower/potluck will take place at the Lone Oak Meadow Picnic Shelter in Sharon Woods Park, Sharonville, OH 45241, beginning at 6:30 PM. Zach and Leah are having a small private wedding in September but wanted to include friends in their wedding plans through this shower/potluck.  Food will be Taco Bar style. As a special dessert, Hawaiian Shave Ice will be provided. The taco meat, taco hard shells, soft tortillas (gluten free as well as chickpea and almond flour), plates and utensils will also be provided. Please bring your own drinks, a side item or dessert of your choice, and chairs. Your presence is the greatest gift, and they are excited to celebrate with you! However, if you would like to contribute something, they would love to make their honeymoon extra special with any cash donations you would like to contribute. A basket will be provided for those who would rather give cash or checks for these adventures, or you can Venmo Zach Zimmerman @zacharyzimm. If you have any questions feel free to email or text Anna at 513-659-0366. Please RSVP by July 26th and no later than August 1st. 
  9. Teen BBQ Brainstorm: To our teens (12-18) and parents; In an effort to provide our teens with more fellowship and opportunities to grow, we would like to start a local teen club.  We want this to be something you are excited about, so we need your input. What would you like to see, do, grow in? You are invited to attend a BBQ Brainstorm at the Halls on Sunday, August 11 at 12:30pm.  Please bring your ideas and a side, drink or dessert to share. Let's work together to grow this idea into something amazing. The Hall’s address - 245 Griswold Dr Youngstown, OH 44512

If you have any questions don't hesitate to reach out to Nissa Hall @ 678-646-7347.

  1. Council of Elders (COE): The next quarterly meetings are scheduled to take place during the week of August 12th - 15th. Your prayers for God’s guidance are greatly appreciated.
  2. Festival Assistance: If you have been faithfully saving your festival tithe, but anticipate that you will not enough funds to attend the Feast this year, we will be happy to help where we can. If you think you will need additional funds, please contact your Festival Advisor or your pastor to get a Festival Assistance Member Information Form. Fill out the form and return it as soon as possible. (All information on the form will be treated as confidential.) The home office has asked us to have all assistance applications turned in by the end of June, so please pick up the form and return it to us as quickly as possible. Again, festival financial assistance is available for those who do not have adequate funds to attend the Feast even though they have faithfully saved their festival tithe, or their income is too limited for them to save adequate funds to attend.
  3. ABC Sampler: Mark your calendars, on the Sabbath of July 27th, we will be hosting an ABC Sampler in North Canton, Location - 441 Global Gateway, North Canton, OH 44320. For all those who would like to attend, there will be sessions presented by ABC instructors before and after services. Doors will open 10:00 am, 2 morning sessions, followed by a lunch, then sabbath services with light afternoon snacks, then we’ll conclude the day with one afternoon session. No cost, but we’re asking all those who plan on attending to please RSVP at ryan_hall@ucg.org.
  4. Portsmouth Women’s Enrichment Weekend: There are still spots available for the Portsmouth, Ohio Women's Enrichment Weekend to be held September 6-8, 2024.  You can mail/email your registration and make arrangements for payment by contacting Debbie Call at kc8hyy@gmail.com.  Deadline is July 15th.  Hope to see you there!" Brochures available at information table as well as attached to the announcement email.

If I’ve overlooked anything, Please let me know ASAP.