United Church of God

Prophetic Times for July 2, 2016

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Prophetic Times for July 2, 2016

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Prophetic Times for July 2, 2016

pt070216 (128.43 KB)

Greetings from Oakland,

Joan and I have been quite busy making preparations for our transfer down to Arizona. Many things must be done to make sure transitions occur smoothly.  Though this is our sixth major move in the ministry, each time is stressful in different ways. 

We will miss our dear brothers and sisters here in the San Francisco Bay Area, but it will be wonderful to be near our children in Phoenix.  Since we served Phoenix East, Northern Arizona, and Yuma during the ten years we lived there, we know most of the brethren there.  We look forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones

We live in serious times, and there are critical prophetic indicators taking place.  Consider this short list of obvious events which are transpiring:
– The U.S. & Britain are on a dramatic downward moral spiral.  The whole body is sick. (Isaiah 1:5-6)
-- Israel is surrounded by armies. (Luke 21:20)
– Christians are being ridiculed, incarcerated, burned alive, beheaded, and enslaved.
– British exit (Brexit) from the EU has changed the future of the European Union.
– Germany, as modern day Assyria, is taking the lead to salvage what is left. (Isaiah 10:5-19)
– Possibly the next EU will comprise 10 nations which evolve into the Beast power. (Revelation 17:12, 17)
– There is already talk of forming a “superstate” union with full military strength.

We often ask the question, "Where are we in Bible prophecy?"  Though we do not know the exact dates when events will occur, we can know some things are long overdue.

The apostle Paul admonishes us in Romans 13:11-14, "And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy. But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts."

Jesus Christ warned His disciples to watch world events, and much more than that to watch their own spiritual condition, so we may be accounted worthy to escape the extreme trouble which is coming and to stand before the Son of Man. (Luke 21:34-36)

Each Sabbath that we gather together we are one week closer to the realities of the end times.  The greatest mission of preparation for the future is to grow closer in our relationship with God and be ready spiritually.

Attached for download is the free Prophetic Times newsletter for the week of July 2, 2016.

Please have a restful and enlightening Sabbath that fulfills that mission!

Kindest regards,
Jim Tuck