United Church of God


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Here are some simple steps on how to add an ePub or PDF file to the Kobo ereader. To add ePUB or PDF books to your eReader using a Windows computer 1. Connect your eReader to your...
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1. Be sure you have downloaded the free iBooks app from Apple iTunes. 2. Make sure your iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch is connected to your Mac or PC and open iTunes. From the iTunes menu select "File > Add File to Library". 3. Locate...
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All of the booklets are available in digital formats (e-booklet) that are read by many of the popular e-book readers, including the Nook and Kindle. The booklets have been formatted in either .epub or .mobi versions. If you have a Kindle...
United News
United News
After years of having quarterly teleconferences, Vertical Thought staff members gathered at the home office Jan. 23 for their first face-to-face meeting.
"It was very encouraging and productive for the members of our staff to have a face-to-face meeting," said David Treybig, managing editor. "The creative juices always seem to flow a little faster, and the enthusiasm seems...
United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
World News and Prophecy Seminars online. View recent seminars given by writers of World News and Prophecy at www.wnponline.org/videos/. E-mail Updates...
United News
United News
What's New on the Web?
World News and Prophecy Seminars online. View recent seminars given by writers of World News and Prophecy at www.wnponline.org/videos/. E-mail Updates...
