United Church of God


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Sermon Series
Now is the time to examine ourselves and prepare ourselves spiritually to take the Passover again this year. Are you worthy to take the Passover? What does this word “worthy” mean? What can we learn by considering this important word and...
United News

Welcome to the March-April 2021 issue of United News. In this issue, you'll find a special insert with information regarding United Youth Camps for 2021 on pages 8-12.

Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
Revelation of last year's attack on a California power station illustrates the vulnerability of America's power grid. It makes the statement of watching for a "thief in the night" all the more important.
by Mark Welch
Dallas, TX
Now is the time to examine ourselves and prepare ourselves spiritually to take the Passover again this year. Are you worthy to take the Passover? What does this word “worthy” mean? What can we learn by considering this important word...
Beyond Today Daily
by Steve Myers, Darris McNeely
How many warnings does it take to prepare for a cyber disaster? Are you prepared?
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely, Steve Myers, Gary Petty
A new Bible Study series will focus on God's spring Holy Days. Why are they important, how are we instructed to observe them, and what lessons can we learn?
by Mark Welch
Dallas, TX
Now is the time to examine ourselves and prepare ourselves spiritually to take the Passover again this year. Are you worthy to take the Passover? What does this word “worthy” mean? What can we learn by considering this important word...
by Mark Welch
Dallas, TX
Now is the time to examine ourselves and prepare ourselves spiritually to take the Passover again this year. Are you worthy to take the Passover? What does this word “worthy” mean? What can we learn by considering this important word...
United News
Please continue to ask God to direct and guide us all—that all will be done according to His will and to His glory.
From the President... Greetings brethren around the world, The last few days here in Cincinnati have been bright and warm with temperatures reaching into the mid-70s Fahrenheit. Spring is in the air, and indeed the Passover and...
Beyond Today Magazine
by Scott Ashley, Jerold Aust
For decades a battle has raged—a battle not for territory, but for hearts and minds. Whether you realize it or not, you and your loved ones are a target of this battle, and the stakes couldn’t be higher!
United News
As we continue in this time of self-examination and preparation for the Passover (1 Corinthians 11:23-28), may we all keep Jesus Christ at the forefront of our minds and hearts.
On this First Day of the First Month . . . Greetings brethren around the world, As I write this it is Thursday, March 23, according to man’s calendar. But on God’s calendar, today is the first day of the first month of...
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The world has gone through some traumatic times. What have you learned the the tests and trials that you've been through? Are there things that you lacked spiritually? God can provide the answers you need.
by Mark Welch
Tulsa, OK
Are you worthy to take the Passover wine and unleavened bread this year? What does it mean to take the Passover “unworthily”? It is important that we understand what Paul said in 1 Corinthians 11:27 “Wherefore whosoever shall eat this...
by Steve Myers
Ambassador Bible College
In this class we will discuss 1 Corinthians 11:17–34 and examine the following: Paul addresses disorderly conduct during the Lord's Supper. He rebukes divisions and selfish behavior, urging believers to wait for one another. Paul...
by Kevin Greer
How can others have confidence in us when we preach the gospel of the Kingdom if we can't even handle a simple news story? Ultimately, it is our responsibility to ensure we are sharing fact, not fiction, over social media.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
After reflection, we should have a confident knowledge that we belong to Jesus Christ.
Beyond Today Daily
by Darris McNeely
The gospel account of Peter denying Jesus Christ three times is one of the most dramatic moments in all of the Bible. What thoughts must have gone through Peter at that moment about himself and about his inadequacies all are something for...
United News
Let’s all pray for one another, even more so as “the Day approaches.”
From the President . . . Greetings brethren around the world, Earlier this week my wife, Deborah, and I returned to Cincinnati after a very inspiring, productive and rewarding trip abroad. Last week you heard about...
